Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

Warning: The following contains spoilers for The Boys Season 4, Episodes 1-3. Proceed at your own risk!

Did the sound of Ambrosius’ voice in The Boys Season 4 premiere sound familiar to you? It’s probably because The Deep’s octopus lover was brought to life by none other than Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton, Doctor Strange).

Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

Tilda Swinton Takes on an Unusual Role

The Deep has several conversations with Ambrosius over the course of the new season’s first three episodes (now streaming) which are carried out in secret. Hidden away in a tank in Deep’s closet, Ambrosius argues that they should run away together in Episode 1, then pleads with him to let her out of the shadows in Episode 3. They haven’t been intimate in over a week, she notes. With Swinton’s soft, dulcet tones giving voice to Ambrosius, the exchanges are strange yet believably confessional, painting a real relationship between the octopus and the supe.

An Esteemed Actress Joins The Cast

Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

We just knew that when Ambrosius was going to be a character, we wanted, like, the classiest, biggest, Oscar-winning-est British actress we could find, and that’s a pretty small list, showrunner Eric Kripke tells TVLine. So we reached out to Tilda, and to her everlasting credit, she heard this ridiculous idea about playing an octopus, and she jumped at it, and she thought it would be so much fun.

She came into the recording booth, and I was there, and to hear the highest possible caliber actress throwing herself wholeheartedly into the dumbest s*** was, honestly, one of the best professional days of my life.

A Unique Bond

The interaction between Tilda Swinton’s Ambrosius and Chace Crawford’s The Deep is a highlight of Season 4. With Swinton voicing scenes as Ambrosius over several episodes hidden away in a closet tank. This peculiar yet close bond unravels with ambivalence thus enriching their characters.

Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

On Recording Technically-Demanding Scenes

Crawford started laughing when he learned who would voice his love interest.I’m like, ‘That’s the funniest thing in the world. Oh my God, she’s doing it. That’s amazing!’ And hats off to her for having such a great sense of humor about it because it’s obviously such an amusing scene and a character to play… For her to come on and do that is just incredible.

An Unexpected Cameo from Will Ferrell

Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

Tilda wasn’t the only big name to feature this season. Will Ferrell made a cameo appearing as a coach in a trailer for A-Train’s new movie.I was chatting with him and his producing partner about potentially writing a screenplay.

[Writer/producer] Jess Chou wrote it in the script as Huge Hollywood Star. But we weren’t sure who it would be yet.

Tilda Swinton and Will Ferrell Bring Star Power to The Boys Season 4

Lending His Star Power

The day they shot was miserable. Freezing sideways rain all day. I felt so bad that I dragged him into this nightmare of a shoot but he just could not have been kinder… He’s the best!

A Testament To Casting Excellence

The inclusion of such high caliber talent for strange yet emotionally potent roles speaks volumes about how seriously creative minds behind this show take their unique storytelling approach.

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