The Hunger Games Prequel Star Discusses Potential for Future Stories

The newest movie charts the rise of the young man who would eventually come to be known as President Coriolanus Snow, a role first portrayed by Donald Sutherland in the original series and now taken over by actor Tom Blyth. While the film works on its own, director Francis Lawrence builds on the previous films’ foundation.

The Hunger Games Prequel Star Discusses Potential for Future Stories

Tom Blyth, star of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, believes there are exciting opportunities to delve deeper into his character, Coriolanus Snow, in future projects. Speaking with ScreenRant, he admitted his enthusiasm: I feel like I was so fortunate to get to step into that world … it would be really cool to keep digging into that story.

Uncertain Future for The Hunger Games

Unlike other literary franchises, such as Harry Potter and Twilight, which continue to expand through new media projects, The Hunger Games faces an uncertain future. Although both Blyth and director Francis Lawrence are open to returning, official announcements regarding sequels or spin-offs have yet to be made.

A Franchise Diverges from the Norm

The Hunger Games Prequel Star Discusses Potential for Future Stories

The saga written by Suzanne Collins has indeed taken a different path compared to its competitors. Released almost exactly eight years after Mockingjay Part 2, the prequel novel focuses on one of the most controversial characters—Coriolanus Snow. Set only a decade after the Hunger Games were first mandated, it shifts the tale’s focus significantly.

Tapping Existing Enthusiasm for More Stories

Blyth also remarked: I think people feel like within that reigniting, there’s more to do. There are more stories to delve into. However, despite good performance metrics for both book and film, a sequel remains doubtful without a guiding book from Collins.

Constraints and Creative Ambitions

The Hunger Games Prequel Star Discusses Potential for Future Stories

The story explores Snow’s ruthless ambition long before the original trilogy but leaves room for more adventures. Discussing this potential, Blyth added: I do think there’s more to Coriolanus’ story to delve into … it’d be fascinating to see his continued rise to power.

An Unlikely Sequel?

Despite willing participants in Blyth and Lawrence, Francis Lawrence has made it clear that any new projects need Collins’ input: Without a Collins book as a guide … no willingness to bring more stories within the franchise. For now, fans must await Collins’ possible new releases or Lionsgate’s creative decisions for spin-offs focusing on other characters such as Haymitch Abernathy or Finnick Oddair.

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