The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable Comedy

The Fabulous Four now has its very own fabulous trailer.

The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable Comedy

Star Power Driving The Trailer

Bette Midler, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Susan Sarandon, and Megan Mullally all star in the first trailer for the Jocelyn Moorhouse-directed comedy that debuted during the 2024 Tony Awards broadcast on Sunday, June 16. The film follows three lifelong friends who travel to Key West, Florida, to be bridesmaids in a surprise wedding of their college girlfriend Marilyn, played by Midler.

An Unexpected Wedding Reunion

The trailer kicks off with Midler’s Marilyn reminiscing about the “old gang” being “back together” before transitioning into a scene where Ralph’s Kitty details the near religious experience of her edibles to Mullally’s Alice.

The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable Comedy

Comedy on the Friendly Skies

Susan Sarandon’s Lou is introduced as a loving cat mom. In contrasting comedic exchanges, Alice recounts scenes involving drug escapades including amusing requests like a tiny bit of weed while on a plane.

Character Dynamics at Play

Susan Sarandon’s character Lou is referred to as a lonely cat lady by Alice. This humorous dynamic is arguably reminiscent of socially awkward yet endearing moments familiar from mainstream comedies in the past.

The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable Comedy

A Touch of Drama

The more poignant moments come from the narrative setup after the death of Marilyn’s husband John, played by Bruce Greenwood. Marilyn invites her closest friends to her wedding as bridesmaids—a gathering that is both joyous and filled with nostalgic reflections.

Directorial Vision

The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable ComedyThe film is directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse who brings not just humor but also heartfelt moments. Moorhouse’s previous works’ attention to emotion and detail indicates a potentially rich narrative here in ‘The Fabulous Four’.

Memorable Performances Expected

Moorhouse’s cast showcases strong individual performances establishing natural comedic timing and chemistry among the stars. From Midler’s commanding presence to Ralph’s nuanced execution of Kitty, the ensemble promises to deliver noteworthy portrayals.

The Fabulous Four Trailer Showcases All-Star Cast and Unforgettable Comedy

Lifelong Friendships Rekindled

The movie evokes themes of rekindling old friendships and confronting unresolved past relationships—spiced up with witty exchanges and humorous adventures including social media escapades and unscheduled marijuana indulgences.


‘The Fabulous Four’ offers an engaging blend of comedy and sentimentality grounded in lifelong friendships. Slated to release on July 26 in theaters across the USA, it may not just be another comedy but also exhibit shades of life reflected through humor and collective nostalgia.

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