The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

For decades, the Trade Federation has been a significant yet somewhat baffling part of the Star Wars canon. Their role in The Phantom Menace revolves around sparking galactic conflict, overshadowed by the bizarre designs of the Techno Union by Revenge of the Sith. However, The Acolyte, the latest Star Wars series set a hundred years before the prequels, shines new light on the Neimoidian entities.

Very light spoilers ahead for The Acolyte Episode 1.

The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

A pivotal scene in The Acolyte brings us back to familiar territory—a Trade Federation ship. Osha, a former Jedi apprentice turned spaceship mechanic (or “meknek”), finds herself tracked down by the Jedi. The interaction between the Jedi and the Neimoidians reveals a critical point: The Republic has legislated that only droids may perform outer ship repair.

The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

This scene clarifies why Astromech droids like R2-D2 are so prevalent. These droids tackle extremely dangerous tasks such as fixing spaceship exteriors, reducing human or alien risk. It underscores a political move by the High Republic to favor robots over sentient beings for hazardous jobs.

The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

Additionally, this context sheds light on why the Trade Federation integrates seamlessly as antagonists in the prequels. The Jedi’s authoritarian demeanor, almost like arrogant highway cops pushing Neimoidians around using legislative power, helps us understand why the Trade Federation rebels against the Republic and Jedi Council in Episodes I-III.

The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

In retrospect, The Acolyte‘s first episode recontextualizes the motivations behind Neimoidian actions. They were not mere caricatures but individuals pushed into a corner. This nuanced portrayal suggests their actions were responses to long-standing systemic pressures from both Jedi and Republic policies.

The Acolyte Reveals the Droid-Heavy Workforce of the Star Wars Galaxy

While previous films often depicted the Trade Federation as one-dimensional and driven by simplistic motives, The Acolyte‘s storyline adds depth and complexity to their characterizations. It doesn’t instantly make them charismatic figures but provides a fuller picture of their decisions leading up to pivotal moments within the saga. Perhaps future episodes will similarly illuminate other marginalized factions like the Techno Union.

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