The Acolyte Explores Another Mysterious Force Birth Beyond Anakin Skywalker

The Acolyte’s protagonists, twins Osha and Mae, are classic Star Wars heroes. They’re young, powerful siblings who have complicated ideas about the Force and destiny, and who lost all their other family members; in Episode 1, Yord reminds Osha her Jedi training was untraditional because she was in mourning. She lost her mothers, her sister, and her entire village in a fire. While we learn twin sister Mae is actually alive and well, we still get a glimpse into the Aniseya twins’ tragic backstory.

The Acolyte Explores Another Mysterious Force Birth Beyond Anakin Skywalker

The Mystery Deepens

Then, in Episode 3, we get a deep dive into precisely what happened that fateful night. But one key line suggests these two characters aren’t just powerful Force users: they could have something in common with Anakin Skywalker himself. In Episode 3, Mother Koril discusses Osha’s decision to be trained as a Jedi with Mother Aniseya. Aniseya insists it’s her decision, but Koril argues that she carried the twins. I created them, Aniseya retorts.

The Question of Creation

How did Mother Aniseya create Osha and Mae? And what happens if the Jedi discover how you created them? Koril says. Aniseya doesn’t have a response. She’s clearly hiding something shameful about the origin of the only children in a community entirely of women, but this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a powerful Force user without a clear father.

The Acolyte Explores Another Mysterious Force Birth Beyond Anakin Skywalker

A Link to the Past

In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn asks Shmi Skywalker who Anakin’s father is, her response is vague. There was no father, she says. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can’t explain what happened. Star Wars fans have taken this as confirmation that Anakin was born of the Force, someone so imbued with midi-chlorians that they’re spontaneously conceived. But was he really?

The Acolyte Explores Another Mysterious Force Birth Beyond Anakin Skywalker

The Role of Palpatine

In a rough draft of Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas had Palpatine explain, I used the power of the Force to will the midichlorians to start the cell divisions that created you. The comic Darth Vader #25 also implies Palpatine had a hand in Anakin’s conception, although this is later dismissed as a figment of Anakin’s imagination. If midi-chlorians can really be manipulated to kick-start conception, it’s possible Mother Aniseya used this power on Mother Koril.

The Acolyte Explores Another Mysterious Force Birth Beyond Anakin Skywalker

A Possible Sith Involvement

But why would that be so shameful to the Jedi? Maybe the truth is darker: Aniseya asked a Sith to use the Dark Side to create these twins, who would go on to find themselves on opposite sides of the Force. This concept aligns with various hints dropped throughout the series.

The quote from TheCourtofTalons adds an interesting perspective: Yeah this is a big factor…

A Larger Implication

If such manipulations were indeed involved in their birth, maybe Palpatine had a hand in Anakin’s birth as well. He certainly manipulated everything else that happened on the Star Wars timeline. This theory could shift our understanding of how deep Sith manipulation goes within Star Wars canon.

The Acolyte may take place a century before Anakin was even born, but these mysterious children could reveal much about the Chosen One who would follow in their footsteps.

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