The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

Episode 3 of Disney’s The Acolyte offers a deeper dive into the mythology with a bold flashback. This episode explores significant moments that set the stage for the current storyline, providing insights into the past of key characters.

The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

We travel sixteen years back to the planet Brendok, where two young twins, Osha and Mae, live with a coven of witches. This backstory is pivotal as it delves into their upbringing and introduces Mother Aniseya, who teaches them about a mystical power known as the Thread.

The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

This episode’s narrative finds the coven believes in something called the Thread, which Mother Aniseya explains as an energy force woven through all existence. Fans familiar with Star Wars lore will see this as an intriguing parallel to the Force, adding new layers to our understanding.

The Conflict Between Osha and Mae

The flashback also highlights the tension between Osha and Mae. Osha doubts her place in their coven, while Mae is more committed. Their differing views lead to intense clashes and pivotal decisions that shape their destinies.

The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

Jedi Intervention

Late in the episode, four Jedi—Jedi Master Sol, Indara, King Tommen, and a Wookie Jedi—arrive to test the girls’ Force sensitivity. This moment crucially ties past and present storylines. Sol’s interaction with Osha and Mae are emotionally charged and foreshadow future conflicts.

The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

Pivotal Moments in Character Development

A defining moment arrives when Osha decides to leave with the Jedi despite her mother’s wishes. Meanwhile, Mae’s rage leads her to a tragic act—locking Osha away and setting their village ablaze.

The Acolyte Episode 3 Delves into Mythology with Flashbacks and Key Character Moments

Cultural Impact and Comparisons

This episode doesn’t shy away from bold changes. It challenges traditional Star Wars narratives by depicting Force-wielding witches. As George R.R. Martin recently mentioned at an event:This was put in an actual TV show we’re supposed to take seriously…I have no words.

The creators attempt to create new dimensions within the established mythology, but viewers may find these elements more jarring than engaging according to early feedback.


Despite some controversial choices, episode 3 of The Acolyte presents ambitious storytelling that interweaves complex character arcs with expansive world-building. As series creator Leslye Headland noted: I always thought that the person playing Mae would have to be a partner in crime…, highlighting her collaboration with lead actress Amandla Stenberg.

While some might find it challenging, this episode adds depth to characters like Mae and Sol, and their intricate relationships will keep viewers invested in upcoming episodes.

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