Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

The finale of Survivor 46 was nothing short of dramatic, with surprising twists and emotional revelations that left both contestants and viewers on the edge of their seats. One of the most talked-about moments was Maria Shrime Gonzalez‘s unexpected vote, which ultimately cost her close ally, Charlie Davis, the title and grand prize.

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

Maria’s journey in the game ended when Kenzie Petty and Liz Wilcox teamed up during an immunity challenge to eliminate her. Despite her exit, Maria made a monumental impact as a jury member by casting a pivotal vote for Kenzie to win, rather than her long-time ally Charlie. This decision astonished many, including Charlie himself.

Charlie’s Reaction to Maria’s Vote

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

When it became clear that Maria had not voted for him, Charlie appeared shocked but composed. In a post-finale interview, he shared his thoughts on the matter during a detailed interview to Entertainment Weekly. His sentiments perfectly encapsulated the surprise and hurt that Charlie felt following Maria’s decision.

Here is the gist of that interview, in Charlie’s words:

Question Charlie’s Answer (Main Points)
How were you feeling about your chances walking into that final Tribal Council? “Feeling good, confident, but not overconfident. Tried not to underestimate anyone. Felt I could pitch my case well.”
How surprised were you to not get Maria’s vote to win Survivor? “Really shocked. Thought I had Maria’s vote 1000%. She said I had her vote before getting voted out.”
She said it was the fire in Kenzie’s eyes during the fire-making competition. Do you buy that or do you think it was something else? “Hard to pin down with Maria; she flip-flopped reasons. We’ve had many discussions, but her reasons changed multiple times.”
How did you send her out of the game? “She knew she was going home; no blindsides. I was honest with her about the game.”
Whom does Ben vote for to win if it comes down to him? “Ben votes for me. We were super tight out there, both strategically and personally.”
How difficult was it to sit there while you’re processing your loss just a few minutes prior as the champagne and pizza comes out? “Super tough. Felt like losing a game seven on a buzzer beater. Tried to compose myself.”
What’s something that happened out there during your 26 days that did not make it to TV that you wish we had seen? “Close relationships with Ben, Tiffany, and Venus. Had a Harry Potter-themed alliance with Tiffany, and funny moments with Venus.”


You know how much you mean to me in this game. I can’t believe you did that.
Maria Shrime Gonzalez

An Emotional Decision

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

During an interview with US Weekly, Maria explained her choice in the following words and defended voting for Kenzie Petty.

When I watched Kenzie make fire, there was a look in her eyes – a fierceness of a powerful woman who overcame something. And that spoke to me so deeply in my core.

The Impact of Strategy and Competition

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

Throughout the season, strategic moves were critical. Liz and Kenzie worked together in the final immunity challenge to secure their positions in the game. The strategic discussions between Maria, Liz, and Kenzie before key moments underscored the complexities of Survivor.

A Difficult Choice

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

The final trial highlighted how personal and strategic considerations clashed for each player. During the fire-making challenge, Maria intently observed Kenzie’s efforts.

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win

Looking Ahead

Survivor 46 Contestant Charlie Reacts to Pivotal Vote That Cost Him the Win
IMDB Rating 7.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating 87%
Where to Watch/Buy CBS, Paramount+, Amazon Prime
Director Various
Producer Jeff Probst, Mark Burnett
Main Cast Jeff Probst (Host), various contestants
Airing Since May 31, 2000
Number of Seasons 46
Genre Reality, Competition
Synopsis “Survivor” is a reality competition show where contestants are stranded in a remote location and must outwit, outplay, and outlast each other through physical challenges, social strategy, and survival skills to win the title of Sole Survivor and a cash prize.

The endgame of Survivor 46 proved once again that alliances are pivotal but also fragile under the pressures of personal growth and strategic gameplay. As viewers reflect on this season’s tense final moments, they’re left with intriguing questions about what might have been if votes had tipped another way.

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