Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

In the recent episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, all eyes were on Gia Giudice as she stepped up to defend her stepfather, Luis ‘Louie’ Ruelas. The latest drama unfolded when Teresa Giudice told Louie that Rachel Fuda’s husband John wanted to have a conversation with him.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

During a tense exchange, Louie remarked with apparent bravado, If he wants to have a conversation it should be 10 seconds, listen it happened, I’m sorry, it’s over. If he takes it any further than that, I don’t really start fights, but I will definitely finish this one. It was clear that Louie is ready to stand his ground.

Teresa and Rachel Continue to Clash

The feud between Teresa and Rachel has been simmering since the season premiere when Teresa accused John of ruining Louie’s reputation and labeled him as the biggest drug dealer in Bergen County. Their discord hit new heights as the women attended Jennifer Aydin’s dog Biscuit’s extravagant first birthday party.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

Drama at the Charity Softball Event

The tension carried over to Dolores Catania’s annual charity softball event. Dolores wondered if the game could be an opportunity for the men to iron out their issues. She stated bluntly, If John and Louie can’t put their big boy pants on and be civil at a charity event, especially this one, ‘Guys, go f-ck yourself,’.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

Tensions Rise Amid Conflicts

The episode also highlighted Margaret Josephs’ struggles as she grieved her ex-husband Jan’s passing. Through tears, Margaret shared in a confessional, This is real life stuff that can’t be fixed. No one can fix this.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

This heartfelt moment contrasted sharply with continuing conflicts between other cast members. Jackie Goldschneider became embroiled in yet another argument with Margaret over loyalty issues.

The Heat at Dolores’ Event

The friction didn’t stop there. At the event itself, tensions ran high as teams got ready for the game. As fans booed Louie throughout the three-hour game (Fans booed Luis ‘multiple times’ throughout the three-hour game, noted one observer), it became evident that public opinion was divided.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

Standing by Louie

In one of the most discussed moments of the episode, Gia expressed her unwavering support for her stepdad. Gia passionately defended Louie by saying, Louie, like, I’m telling you, he’s a really, really good guy. He said things, and I looked at him now. And I’m like, Lou, that’s not the person that you are. I’m like, these people are just making you go crazy.

Rhonj Gia Giudice Defends Her Stepdad Luis Ruelas

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