Preview of The War of the Rohirrim Anime at Annecy Festival Stuns Audience

Warner Bros. Animation, New Line Cinema and Sola Entertainment elevated anticipation among fantasy fans by previewing 20 minutes of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim at the Annecy Animation Festival, earning a standing ovation from the audience.

Preview of The War of the Rohirrim Anime at Annecy Festival Stuns Audience

Director’s Vision

Helmed by Kenji Kamiyama, known for Blade Runner: Black Lotus and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, the anime draws inspiration from J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendary works as well as Peter Jackson’s film adaptations. Speaking about his motivation, Kamiyama shared, There is such power to the story.

New Tale in a Known World

Set nearly 200 years before Bilbo Baggins discovers the ring, the story revolves around the House of Helm Hammerhand. Brian Cox lends his voice to King Helm Hammerhand, while Gaia Wise portrays his strong-willed daughter, Princess Héra.

Eowyn’s Return

Miranda Otto reprises her role as Éowyn, this time serving as the film’s narrator. As confirmed during the preview session: Miranda Otto narrates the War of the Rohirrim. She plays Héra, the daughter of Helm, who must lead the resistance against a deadly enemy.

Preview of The War of the Rohirrim Anime at Annecy Festival Stuns Audience

An Intense Conflict

The clips revealed intense moments including a council meeting where Wulf, a ruthless Dunlending lord seeking vengeance, forces Helm and his people to make a daring last stand in their ancient stronghold.

Not Just an Animated Peter Jackson Movie

Producer Jason DeMarco emphasized that with its unique anime style, The War of the Rohirrim is intended to be distinctly Kamiyama’s vision rather than an animated replication of Peter Jackson’s films.

The blend of beloved elements and fresh perspectives in The War of the Rohirrim has set high expectations among fans. This exciting venture into anime promises to deliver compelling storytelling with exceptional vocal performances and careful craftsmanship.

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