New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

Get ready, Monster High fans! A new live-action doll movie is in the works. Mattel has just announced that their beloved fashion dolls will be making a return to the big screen in a collaborative effort with Universal Pictures and renowned producer/screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.

New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

Monster High helps fans discover the great beauty in being true to yourself and celebrates the unique sensibilities at the core of who we are as individuals. We’re proud to partner with Universal Pictures and the brilliant Akiva Goldsman to usher this important message to audiences worldwide, shared Robbie Brenner, President of Mattel Films.

New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

Akiva Goldsman, known for his work on various high-profile projects, expressed his excitement, stating, I’ve been fascinated by Monster High since my daughters were obsessed with the dolls as kids. I’m thrilled to once again join forces with Robbie Brenner and our friends at Mattel to help bring this iconic property to life.

Renewed Interest in Monster High

The new live-action film seeks to evoke interest similar to its predecessors but will distinguish itself from previous iterations by focusing on fresh narratives within the well-loved universe. The contrast between this new project and the earlier live-action musical versions highlights the continuous evolution of the Monster High franchise.

New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

Previous Success and Future Endeavors

The Monster High franchise has had notable success both on the small screen and in streaming platforms. Monster High: The Movie and its sequel are available on Paramount+, alongside an animated series airing on Nickelodeon. These titles continue to build upon Monster High’s legacy of promoting themes like friendship, acceptance, and individuality.

New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

Continuing the Legacy

The continuous evolution within Mattel’s portfolio includes multiple movie adaptations of their toy lines. In addition to the eagerly anticipated live-action Monster High film, another significant development is the upcoming live-action Masters of the Universe movie, showcasing Mattel’s sustained influence in both toy manufacturing and cinematic adaptations.

New Live-Action Monster High Movie Announced by Mattel and Universal Pictures

The renewal of Monster High’s television presence demonstrates a commitment to delivering engaging narratives that resonate with fans old and new. As Michelle Mendelovitz mentioned, An all-new season of Monster High promises audiences more stories centered on friendship, acceptance, and of course, plenty of surprises.

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