Mississippi Fishermen Rescue 38 Hunting Dogs from Drowning at Grenada Lake

In an incredible act of bravery, a group of fishermen in Mississippi saved 38 dogs from drowning at Grenada Lake. Bob Gist from Arkansas, Brad Carlisle from Tennessee, and local fishing guide Jordan Chrestman, were on a fishing trip like any other when they heard frantic barking.

Mississippi Fishermen Rescue 38 Hunting Dogs from Drowning at Grenada Lake

A Calm Fishing Day Turns Chaotic

The trio had relocated half a mile from their initial spot when they heard the dogs. As Gist recalls, We could hear some dogs barking. They spotted the dogs struggling in the lake after chasing a deer.

Chrestman immediately recognized the danger and insisted they check on the animals. If it wasn’t for Jordan, there would have been 38 dead dogs, noted Gist, emphasizing Chrestman’s quick thinking.

Panic in the Water

On closer inspection, the fishermen were shocked to find dozens of dogs in distress. All hunting dogs equipped with expensive GPS radio collars and white paint. The trio sprang into action, managing to pull about 25 exhausted dogs onto their boat.

Mississippi Fishermen Rescue 38 Hunting Dogs from Drowning at Grenada Lake

The True Heroes

The fishermen wasted no time bringing the rescued dogs back to shore where distressed owners waited. They declined any monetary rewards for their heroic efforts. Carlisle noted,We can’t run around with GPS collars around our necks just yet, but at least we saved a good bit of dogs this weekend.

While important for events like these, GPS collars were not enough to ensure safety without human intervention.

An Unforgettable Rescue

Mississippi Fishermen Rescue 38 Hunting Dogs from Drowning at Grenada Lake

This harrowing event was part of an annual fox run, where hunting dogs chase game through various terrains. The dog’s survival hinged on the fishermen’s readiness to jump into rescue mode. By the time they saw the first head bobbing above water, the dogs were clearly exhausted and on the verge of drowning.

Bearing witness to real distress, these men showed remarkable teamwork and courage. In a moment that could have turned tragic, three fishermen became heroes to 38 fortunate dogs and their grateful owners.

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