Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

Riley’s life was sailing smoothly, too. The move to San Francisco had rocked her world briefly, as chronicled in 2015’s Inside Out. But she’d eventually settled in just fine, excelling in school and making fantastic friends like Grace and Bree. What more could she want?

Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

All of Riley’s emotions agreed—her now 13-year-old self was flourishing. And those emotions—Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Tony Hale), Anger (Lewis Black), and Disgust (Liza Lapira)—rarely see eye to eye. Then puberty hit.

Wreck” is the operational word here, at least as far as Riley’s emotions were concerned. One minute, the “puberty” alarm on Riley’s emotional control bank blared, followed by blue construction workers dismantling the control room to make space for new emotions.

Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

Anxiety arrived first, frazzled with wide eyes and an open mouth. Envy admired the control board, Embarrassment hid in his hoodie, and Ennui lounged on a couch, fiddling with her phone.

Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

No problem, right? Joy has handled meddlesome emotions before. However, when Riley attended a three-day hockey camp, unbridled fun wasn’t welcome. Anxiety nudged Joy aside and took over the controls.

This is not Riley! Joy protested.

I know! It’s a better Riley! Anxiety replied. But is it?

Anxiety Takes Center Stage

Maya Hawke’s portrayal of Anxiety provides a nuanced understanding of these changes. Anxiety isn’t inherently bad; it protects from unseen dangers, making it essential albeit overwhelming sometimes.

Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

A New Dynamic

While Joy led our familiar emotions on a quest to restore Riley’s self-worth, newcomers like Embarrassment lent their help. This dynamic shift showcases how Maya Hawke moves the film forward as Anxiety takes a more central role.

Real-World Connections

Maya Hawke’s Impactful Role in Inside Out 2

Riley’s real-world influences include supportive friends and parents dealing with her pubescent roller coaster ride. Yet it’s characters like Valentina, who pushes her ambition at hockey camp that add a realistic touch to Riley’s growth amidst newfound anxieties.

A Balanced Narrative

Inside Out 2 continues Pixar’s tradition of depicting complex emotional journeys with humor and wit while tackling the concept of how different emotions react to growing up responsibly and realistically.

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