Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

Matthew Vaughn was taken aback by the harsh reception Argylle received. Speaking recently, Vaughn reflected, My guard came down on Argylle, he told Empire. We had done test screenings that had gone fantastically well. The premiere was a really fun night, and it was like going back to the Snatch days where there was such excitement. And I started drinking the Kool-Aid.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

Despite his optimism, the film’s critical reception was overwhelmingly negative. As The Hollywood Reporter noted, the spy comedy was criticized for its mirthless, shouty performances, its tortured random plot twists and its appallingly shonky-looking CGI. Subsequently, Argylle now holds a 33% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

It’s a fun, feel-good movie, or I thought it was a fun, feel-good movie, Vaughn continued. I didn’t think it was offensive. That took me by surprise. This sentiment reflects Vaughn’s confusion over the vitriolic reviews his film attracted. He added, The reviews were vitriolic. I’m not saying the movie’s perfect by any means, but I didn’t think it was offensive. That took me by surprise.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

Vaughn’s disillusionment with the reaction to Argylle extended to doubting his own judgment. He recounted how he went back to cinemas to watch the film again, pondering if he had indeed lost touch with audience expectations, saying, I thought, ‘Maybe I’ve lost the plot now.’ It did rattle me.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

The director is moving on from the criticisms despite them impacting him deeply. It is what it is, he remarked curtly. You learn from these things.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

This might not be the end for Argylle, as streaming platforms have provided a glimmer of hope for Vaughn. We’re doing very well on streaming, he shared optimistically. I’d love to make another one. We’ve got it planned, he added, hinting at potential follow-up movies.

Matthew Vaughn Responds to Critics of His Film Argylle

The mixed response to Argylle suggests that the genre and expectations might need recalibrating if future films are pursued. Meanwhile, enigmatic references like those in Vaughn’s past works such as The Kingsman series, and perhaps revisiting some familiar ground could help in shaping subsequent attempts.

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