Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mahershala Ali is in talks to star in the next Jurassic World movie. Known for his Oscar-winning roles in Moonlight and Green Book, Ali would be joining stars like Scarlett Johansson, Rupert Friend, Jonathan Bailey, and Manuel Garcia-Rulfo.

A New Director Takes the Helm

Shooting for the film is expected to kick-off this June in London with Gareth Edwards, famous for his work on Rogue One and Godzilla, directing. With a locked release date of July 2, 2025, Universal must soon announce the full cast.

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

Koepp co-wrote the original Jurassic Park movie with original author Michael Crichton before going on to serve as the screenwriter for the first sequel, The Lost World. The writer is also known for writing the script for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man…

A Returning Screenwriter

The screenplay will once again be penned by David Koepp, who co-wrote the original Jurassic Park. Koepp’s extensive resume includes blockbusters like Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, War of the Worlds, and even two Indiana Jones films.

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

The Spielberg Factor

The legendary Steven Spielberg is also returning as an executive producer for this installment. Spielberg directed the first two Jurassic Park films back in the ’90s, ensuring that his iconic vision remains part of this new addition to the franchise.

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

A Star-Studded Speculation

The upcoming film continues to build upon Universal’s revival of the franchise which began with Jurassic World in 2015 and was succeeded by Fallen Kingdom(2018) and Dominion(2022). However, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, who fronted these entries, are not expected to return. Neither will the original trio—Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Laura Dern.

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

A Busy Year Ahead for Ali

In addition to this potential role, Mahershala Ali will be taking up another significant mantle—Blade—in his upcoming Marvel film slated for a November 2025 release. The casting news has stirred excitement among fans intrigued about how he will balance both major projects.

Mahershala Ali in Talks for Leading Role in New Jurassic World Film

The resurgence of interest in classic franchises alongside fresh faces like Mahershala Ali keeps audiences keenly watching for more updates.

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