Kourtney Kardashian Discusses Feud with Kim and Their Journey to Reconciliation

Kourtney Kardashian has recently opened up about her ongoing feud with sister Kim Kardashian, shedding light on the dynamics that have added fuel to the fire between the siblings.

The latest season of ‘The Kardashians’ delves deep into the tensions, especially after an explosive phone call where Kourtney called her sister a f–king witch. Kourtney claims she had no idea this call was being filmed. Speaking to friends, including Simon Huck, she shared, I never knew that call was filmed… before admitting that the footage was too good not to use.

Kourtney Kardashian Discusses Feud with Kim and Their Journey to Reconciliation

Feud Revealed Through Confessionals and Social Media

The animosity between the sisters became more evident as they exchanged heated words in previous confessionals. Kourtney accused Kim of seeing dollar signs when collaborating with Dolce & Gabbana. Kim, on the other hand, firmly denied copying Kourtney and suggested her sister’s concepts were not original.

Group Chat Drama Unfolds

Kourtney Kardashian Discusses Feud with Kim and Their Journey to Reconciliation

The feud escalated further when Kim revealed a group chat labeled NOT KOURTNEY, which included discussions among her sister’s friends trying to make sense of Kourtney’s behavior. According to Kourtney, this chat was merely a ploy by Kim and their mom, Kris Jenner, to isolate her. She explained to Simon Huck that it’s a tactic they’ve used her whole life—‘Everyone is talking about you,’ but there’s no everyone, she emphasized.

Sisters Putting On a United Front?

Despite the drama televised for millions to see, Kim insisted in her confessional that there is a misconception about their relationship: The thing about Kourtney and I, no matter how crazy things are… if she needs something, I’m there. If I need something, she’s there.

Kourtney Focuses On Family Post-Feud

Kourtney acknowledged that she and Kim are now in a better place, focusing on their children and putting past feuds behind them. Reflecting on their previous altercations, she noted in another confessional that they have worked through their issues.

Kourtney Kardashian Discusses Feud with Kim and Their Journey to Reconciliation

The intense sibling rivalry reached new heights during and after Kourtney’s wedding to Travis Barker last year, which was live-streamed on Hulu. There were also concerns around Kourtney’s pregnancy, adding more strain to the relationship.

Kourtney Kardashian Discusses Feud with Kim and Their Journey to Reconciliation

This tension culminated in what fans described as some of the most dramatic episodes of ‘The Kardashians.’ But according to both sisters, they have since reconciled and are back to focusing on their families and individual projects.

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