June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

If Tom Cruise can execute high-speed stunts in his 60s, then June Squibb, at 94, can certainly navigate a motorized scooter in Thelma (2024). This film marks a true joy as it allowed me to explore a character with so much depth and emotion, said Squibb about her leading role.

June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

Debut Role for June Squibb

At 94, June Squibb, who previously snagged an Oscar nomination for Nebraska (2013), stars in her first leading role. Playing a 93-year-old grandmother, Thelma Post, she embarks on a quest across the San Fernando Valley after being scammed out of $10,000.

Playing the role of Thelma was a true joy as it allowed me to explore a character with so much depth and emotion, Squibb expressed, reflecting on her milestone achievement.

Josh Margolin Directs His First Feature Film

Josh Margolin makes his directorial debut with Thelma. Having honed his craft in various filmmaking aspects, he brings a fresh perspective to this heartfelt comedy.June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

The film features unique instances like the unexpected integration of Mission: Impossible footage. Margolin creatively incorporated these scenes by shooting two versions: one with Tom Cruise’s footage and another with a replaceable green box.

The Central Plot and Unique Humor

Thelma’s plot revolves around her quest to retrieve the stolen money. A telephone scam tricks her into thinking her grandson is in trouble. This resonates with the quote describing the thematic element: The so-called ‘grandparent scam’ is a common con perpetrated on seniors.

Her adventure ties into comedic sequences, notably her scooter chase through San Fernando Valley with Richard Roundtree’s character Ben. Their collective efforts lead to numerous funny moments without demeaning their characters.

June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

Richard Roundtree’s Final Performance

Roundtree adds depth to the movie. His role as Ben complements Squibb’s character perfectly, lending the film an extra layer of authenticity and charisma.June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

A Sneak Peek Behind The Scenes

June Squibb Takes the Lead in Comedy Film Thelma at Age 94

The film also incorporates humorous elements from other characters like David Giuliani’s deadpan portrayal of Starey Gary. Such casting decisions contribute immensely to the film’s offbeat yet genuine tone crafted by Margolin.

The Reception So Far

The official trailer has garnered over 1 million views within its first week of release; there’s palpable anticipation for this summer sleeper hit. With its mix of heartfelt comedy and authentic performances, Thelma has the potential to be remembered come awards season.

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