Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Unfrosted’ Falls Flat Despite Star-Studded Cast

The recent release of “Unfrosted,” directed by Jerry Seinfeld, has had an underwhelming debut on Netflix. Many have even called it one of the decade’s worst movies.

Despite its star-studded cast featuring Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, and Amy Schumer, along with America’s love for Pop-Tarts — $3 billion sold in 2022 — the film lacks the humorous punch needed to become a true hit.

Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Unfrosted’ Falls Flat Despite Star-Studded Cast

The True History Of Toaster Pastries

Although “Unfrosted” leaves viewers wishing for the 93 minutes they spent watching the film back, the true history of toaster pastries can offer a more engaging narrative.

In 1963, Post launched a new product called Country Squares, which didn’t need refrigeration due to a unique method they developed. This innovation paved the way for shelf-stable snacks in American households.

Kellogg’s Catches Up Quickly

When rumors of Post’s Country Squares emerged in February 1964, Kellogg’s swiftly launched their own toaster pastry—initially called Fruit Scones.

A Tale Of Two Companies

The competition between Post and Kellogg’s was nothing short of cutthroat. While Post introduced their Country Squares in 1963, it was Kellogg’s quick response with Pop-Tarts that won over consumers. First introduced as Fruit Scones, they were rebranded as Pop-Tarts after the era’s popular Pop Art movement.

Behind The Scenes Of Unfrosted

Some interesting behind-the-scenes facts about “Unfrosted”: Kellogg’s had no idea about the movie until it was almost finished. Director Jerry Seinfeld admitted,Kellogg’s had no idea we were making the movie.

Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Unfrosted’ Falls Flat Despite Star-Studded Cast

The Cast Carries The Film

While the film itself may be a flop, its cast list boasts big names such as Melissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant, and Daniel Levy. Even with this star power, “Unfrosted” fails to deliver meaningful comedy.

Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Unfrosted’ Falls Flat Despite Star-Studded Cast

The nostalgia-driven impetus doesn’t save the plot either. Ultimately, viewers come away feeling as uninspired as someone biting into a stale Cornflake.

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