Jason Sudeikis Pokes Fun at Travis Kelce About Taylor Swift at Charity Event

Jason Sudeikis Pokes Fun at Travis Kelce About Taylor Swift at Charity Event

Questioning at the Charity Fundraiser

During a memorable moment at the Big Slick Celebrity Weekend fundraiser in Kansas City, Jason Sudeikis didn’t shy away from asking the question that many have been wondering lately. Sticking to his comedic roots and performing with a fake mustache, Sudeikis turned to Travis Kelce and asked, Hey Travis, real talk, OK? Just the guys here. When are you going to make an honest woman out of her?

Sudeikis Took Things Further

Jason Sudeikis Pokes Fun at Travis Kelce About Taylor Swift at Charity Event

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end, [r]ubbed his beard and smiled wordlessly, leaving the audience in cheers. But Sudeikis wasn’t done. He added, Taylor doesn’t need to be working anymore. I know your kicker agrees with me.

Reference to Harrison Butker’s Commencement Speech

This comment was a nod to the controversial speech given by Harrison Butker at Benedictine College. In his speech, Butker had made comments about gender roles, suggesting that female graduates might prioritize marriage and having children. He also mentioned Taylor Swift as his teammate’s girlfriend and quoted one of her song lyrics.

Jason Sudeikis Pokes Fun at Travis Kelce About Taylor Swift at Charity Event

The Growing Public Scrutiny

Both Kelce and Swift, who confirmed their relationship last September, have found themselves under increased public scrutiny. This latest exchange adds to the ongoing conversations about their relationship status. The interaction was part of the charity event’s lighter moments but nevertheless struck a chord with fans eager to see if wedding bells might be in the future for the couple.

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