How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday

The influence of Star Wars on modern media is unquestionable, and even the Doctor Who universe is not immune to its allure. Recent comments by showrunner Russell T. Davies have highlighted how the iconic space saga inspired the latest story arc for new companion Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Russell T Davies discussing his influences

The grand finale of the Ncuti Gatwa era, titled Empire of Death, echoes the thematic boldness and intricate character dynamics long celebrated in Star Wars. According to Davies, the idea of Ruby’s lineage mirrors elements from the Skywalker family saga. He expressed, The mystery surrounding Ruby’s birth was crafted to resonate with iconic mythologies; there’s a familiarity to her journey that feels almost like destiny.

Introducing New Characters

This season’s journey has brought us a fascinating array of characters. The inclusion of Sutekh, initially seen in the 1975 classic Pyramids of Mars, adds depth to the storyline as a potent antagonist. Davies’s portrayal harnesses contemporary technology to create a formidable CGI rendition of Sutekh, described as a massive canine figure wielding destructive power across planets.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Sutekh from Doctor Who 2023 episode

Bonnie Langford’s return as Mel Bush alongside Ruby and the Doctor has been a notable highlight. Langford, who originally played Mel from 1986-87, reprised her role in a delightful cameo in this year’s episodes.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Ncuti Gatwa as The Doctor with Bonnie Langford as Mel Bush in Doctor Who finale

An Emotional Journey

The emotional vulnerability portrayed by Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor encapsulates the struggles and pains faced by both him and his companions. One cannot overlook Sian Clifford’s poignant performance as a devastated mother on a world ravaged by Sutekh’s deadly dust. Her brief but powerful appearance deeply resonates with viewers.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Ncuti Gatwa crying in final moments of episode

The Revelation and Closure

The reveal about Ruby Sunday’s mother provided a heartwarming closure to an otherwise tumultuous storyline. As Ruby meets her birth mother Louise, an ordinary nurse from Leeds, it becomes evident how much personal journeys parallel universal themes seen in Star Wars.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Ruby Sunday meeting her mother in coffee shop

This emotional meeting reinforces Davies’ knack for injecting heartfelt moments into sci-fi narratives. As Mrs. Flood (Anita Dobson) ominously declares during a fourth-wall-breaking scene: I’m sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror.

How Star Wars Sparked Russell T. Davies’s Vision for Doctor Who’s Ruby Sunday
Anita Dobson smiling menacingly as Mrs Flood
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