How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern’s feud was one for the gossip columns. The spat spanned several decades and had its roots in statements made by Stern back in 1983. But like all great stories, this one has an unexpected twist—a heartwarming end.

An Unlikely Feud Born

The controversy began when Stern took offense at Gifford’s joke about shock jocks ruining radio. This snowballed into a series of antagonistic remarks from Stern over the years. The feud had its emotional ups and downs, with both parties garnering their share of public reactions throughout.

How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

A Divine Prompting

Gifford opened up about how her faith played a crucial role in ending the discord. She recalled how the Holy Spirit prompted her to approach Stern directly. Howard? Howard? And finally he looks at me. I said, ‘Hi, I’m Kathie Lee. I think it’s about time that we said hello.’ she recounted during an interview on ‘Prodigal Stories.’

How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

Skepticism Turned Surprise

The timing of this rapprochement seemed serendipitous, occurring while Stern was at NBC studios to promote ‘America’s Got Talent.’ Gifford mentioned, I just want to wish you all the best on the new show, and that’s it. Just take care. Have a good day.

God’s Imprint on Reconciliation

Kathie Lee emphasized her faith by saying she believes that “God can touch anybody’s heart.” She added, I just always believe God can touch anybody’s heart. I’m not allowed to hate anybody that hates me. Her words resonate deeply, highlighting the strength of forgiveness and faith.

How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

A Reason to Believe

The reconciliation sparked excitement and surprise among their fans, who took to social media to express their opinions. Some lauded Gifford for choosing forgiveness, while others marveled at the power of reconciliation.

How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

Pigs Are Flying

Kathie humorously encapsulated the improbability of their truce with the quip, Well, pigs have now officially flown. It underscored how unexpected yet satisfying the resolution was for her.

How Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern Finally Buried the Hatchet

Final Reflections

This newly budding camaraderie between Gifford and Stern serves as a reminder that no matter how deep-rooted the grudge, forgiveness is always a possibility. As Gifford aptly put it, Love cannot live where hate does…

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