Hope Shocked When Douglas Calls Paris Mom in The Bold and the Beautiful

The latest drama in The Bold and the Beautiful left viewers in shock when Douglas called Paris mom right in front of Hope. The moment was unexpected and loaded with emotional tension, highlighting the complicated family dynamics at play.

Hope Shocked When Douglas Calls Paris Mom in The Bold and the Beautiful

Another Shot at Redemption?

The scene unfolded as Hope confronted Thomas about his sudden return, curious if he had come back to give their relationship another try. But the real twist came when Douglas entered Forrester’s main office, accompanied by Paris. Hoping for an explanation, Hope was stunned speechless when Douglas turned to Paris and said, Mom?

Hope Shocked When Douglas Calls Paris Mom in The Bold and the Beautiful

Engagement Sparks More Shock

Thomas then added another layer of surprise by revealing an engagement ring on Paris’s finger, further shocking Hope. The announcement of their engagement and upcoming marriage left Hope grappling with mixed emotions.

Many fans believe that Douglas should be living with his dad instead of Hope and Liam. Despite the shared custody arrangement between Thomas and Hope, fans find it odd. Meanwhile, Matthew Atkinson has voiced support for reuniting father and son.

Hope Shocked When Douglas Calls Paris Mom in The Bold and the Beautiful

Hope’s Devastation

The internet buzzed with reactions to the scene, with many viewers empathizing with Hope’s heartache. One fan posted a clip showing Hope’s wide-eyed shock accompanied by emojis perfectly capturing the moment.It’s just ridiculous, considering it’s only been a couple of months since all of this transpired.

Hope Shocked When Douglas Calls Paris Mom in The Bold and the Beautiful

This development raises questions about whether Douglas will continue to stay with Hope Logan and Liam Spencer, or if there might be changes in his living arrangements. With sentiments like Many fans believe that Douglas should be living with his dad instead of Hope and Liam., it’s evident that opinions are divided.

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