Hearing-impaired Florida Track Star Shatters High School Records and Earns University Scholarship

A Record-Breaking Performance

Distance athlete Eric Gregory has been a sensation this season. He shattered high school records in the 200- and 400-meter dash, leaving an indelible mark on the track community. I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to compete at such a high level and break these records, Gregory shared.

Hearing-impaired Florida Track Star Shatters High School Records and Earns University Scholarship

A Journey Fueled by Perseverance

Gregory’s rigorous training and determination have led him to this point. Graduating from the Ohio School for the Deaf laid a solid foundation for his success.

Hearing-impaired Florida Track Star Shatters High School Records and Earns University Scholarship

Recognition and Scholarship

In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Gregory was awarded a prestigious university scholarship. Such scholarships can be one-time or renewable agreements, often contingent on ongoing athletic performance. Athletic Aid is a one-year agreement, states the scholarship criteria, A coach may recommend that aid be renewed each year for a period of 4 years.

The Road Ahead

Gregory’s journey does not end here. With his eyes set on future competitions, he continues to train diligently. I graduated from Flagler with an arsenal of strategies, techniques, certification, and endorsements that allowed me to tackle my first year teaching, Gregory mentioned with confidence.

Hearing-impaired Florida Track Star Shatters High School Records and Earns University Scholarship

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