Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

The upcoming release of Twisters has everyone on the edge of their seats, especially after hearing the harrowing experiences some cast members endured. Glen Powell, known for his daring roles, revealed just how extreme the filming conditions got, particularly when it involved having a giant jet engine blown in his face.

Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

Filming with Intensity

Director Lee Isaac Chung demanded a high level of realism for Twisters. The film famously utilized highly realistic special effects to capture the chaotic nature of tornadoes. Chung’s dedication was clear from the start, reminiscent of the thorough approach he took with Minari, making his transition to a disaster film quite intriguing.

One of the scenes we did as a test, to see if we could make it believable, was the opening with the farm and the family going into the shelter.

This level of meticulous planning carried over to creating intense storm scenes. For Powell and his fellow cast members, this meant facing conditions that many wouldn’t dare. As described by Powell:

I was shot with every jet engine and piece of debris that they could muster up in Oklahoma and dragged through the air and across the ground more than I was expecting.Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

The Thrilling Challenges on Set

The challenges they faced were not just technical but also physical. Powell’s recount of the rigorous scenes reflects both respect and astonishment:

Fans, dirt, debris, roll, action! You’re just like, Oh my God. All of a sudden, the entire town around you is being ripped apart. It’s just so intense, but wonderful.

The cast’s reactions underscored how drastically these environment effects influenced their performances. An unnamed cast member shared:

I remember that we were all really amazed by how realistic the storm scenes looked, even if our reactions to the extreme weather sometimes seemed exaggerated on screen. The intensity of the environment really affected our performances.

An Emotional Roller Coaster

This intense setup not only tested physical limits but also created an emotional depth in their performances. Lee Isaac Chung’s approach to coaxing out authentic reactions involved pushing boundaries:

Lee is a filmmaker that says to his actors, Hey, this may be a little painful, and then demands another take.Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

The use of practical effects—like debris and wind machines—added to the realism. The ringing sound of alarms and sight of flying debris struck genuine fear into actors, enhancing their cinematic portrayals.

Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

Howard’s Unwavering Vision

We would be remiss without noting that Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment are backing this powerhouse sequel with Steven Spielberg as an executive producer and Warner Bros. Pictures co-financing it.

Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

Pioneered by Frank Marshall (known for Jurassic World Dominion) as producer, Twisters promises not only gripping visuals but also profound narrative moments tied to human resilience in nature’s grip.

Glen Powell Describes Getting Blasted by a Jet Engine While Filming Twisters

A Masterful Sequel in Prospect

With an ensemble cast that includes Daisy Edgar-Jones and Anthony Ramos alongside Powell’s Tyler making daring chases down tornado-paths—all under emphatic direction—Twistersx gears up for an unforgettable adrenaline-rush when it lands in theaters on July 19th.

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