George Lopez Walks Off Stage Early During California Show; Fans Disappointed

George Lopez Walks Off Stage Early During California Show; Fans Disappointed

Context and Venue

Comedian George Lopez walked out of his sold-out show at Eagle Mountain Casino in Porterville, California on June 7. The casino, with a capacity of 2,000, expressed their dissatisfaction noting that Lopez ended his performance roughly 30 minutes before it was scheduled to finish. They stated in a Facebook post: Tonight George Lopez let down his fans and sold out audience by walking out and ending his show 30 minutes early.

George Lopez Walks Off Stage Early During California Show; Fans Disappointed

Eagle Mountain Casino’s Stance

The venue claimed that Lopez had his private security team who could have easily escorted any hecklers out. According to the casino’s statement: The venue or casino’s job is to provide a good experience for both the artist and the fans, but the casino failed in this regard. The audience was overserved and unruly.

Fans’ Reaction

George Lopez Walks Off Stage Early During California Show; Fans Disappointed

The quick exit left fans disappointed as they had paid good money to see him perform. A spokesperson for Lopez commented: The casino staff was unable to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for the artist and guests.

Eagle Mountain further elaborated that a pre-show meeting had taken place to devise a plan should there be any disruptions during the show.

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