Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

From June 10 to June 16, actress and activist Geena Davis, alongside festival director Wendy Guerrero and many others, will be hosting the 10th anniversary of Arkansas’ Bentonville Film Festival. This year’s fest is expected to attract 65,000 attendees and, as with its previous installments, centers on championing the films and voices of women, non-binary, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, API, and persons with disabilities in entertainment and media.

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter promoting the festival, Davis said that while the work BFF does is in a good place, there’s still more to be done. We’re making tremendous progress with gender, race and ethnicity-based inclusion said Davis. Unfortunately, representation for people with disabilities is still in the low-single-digits, despite one in four Americans identifying as being disabled.

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

Though enjoying movies may not seem like a political act, choosing to center DEI initiatives at a festival that takes place in as dark a red state as Arkansas in the middle of an election year can be viewed by some as risky behavior. I don’t want to get into politics, but I will say that BFF is staying the course, and our mission has never changed Davis said when asked what the importance of staging such an event in this place and time was. Our corporate partners and studio partners haven’t backed down. The idea that you should be able to watch a movie and see yourself and your experiences reflected back at you is inherently not controversial.

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

The growing number of film festivals throughout the state attracts producers to Arkansas and offers a platform for local talent. With festivals struggling to stay on their feet post-pandemic and now still dealing with the residual effects of last summer’s dual strikes, Davis isn’t giving up on providing tools and mechanisms for helping independent artists establish themselves, even as the job becomes harder to do.

I’m an incorruptible optimist when it comes to having high hopes for festivals said Davis. One thing that’s helped us is having a fierce devotion to our original mission, which is very much focused on underrepresented voices. You need to know that you’re serving a specific function and stay very passionate about that goal. Also, having enthusiasm from the community is crucial. Bentonville locals love the festival. I feel it each year the minute I get on the plane. People say, ‘Hey, I know where you’re going!’

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

Davis emphasizes how vital it is for young audiences to see themselves represented in media. She recalled her own youth struggles seeing a reflection of herself in movies or TV shows. Geena shared There weren’t any female characters that I wanted to pretend to be. I actually liked Ginger from ‘Gilligan’s Island,’ but my best friend and I would play ‘The Rifleman’ after school. I’d be the father; she’d be my son. It demonstrates the lack of visible female role models during her childhood.

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

Beyond just creating space for women on screen at BFF, the foundation champions inclusive content that promotes equity behind the camera as well. The BFFoundation, chiefly involved with promoting underrepresented voices of diverse storytellers, partners with schools and community institutions to educate young minds about stereotyping and unconscious bias.

A clear mission drives Bentonville’s initiatives forward: The BFFoundation-focused on championing female voices including non-binary LGBTQIA+, BIPOC/API individuals along with those having disabilities through research education supporting production-distribution.

Geena Davis On The Importance Of Representation In Media At Bentonville Film Festival

By starting this festival,Davis aims at sparking real change:I hope everybody takes action heard worldwide’ Inspiring Innovation.Diversity Creativity it champions’

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