Federer’s Final Days – A Documentary Delving into the Tennis Legend’s Emotions

The world of tennis is set to explore another layer of the legend with the upcoming documentary, ‘FEDERER: Twelve Final Days’. This film is not just about Roger Federer’s final match but encapsulates the poignant moments his family and tour companions experienced during this time.

Federer’s Final Days – A Documentary Delving into the Tennis Legend’s Emotions

A Look into Federer’s Emotions

Federer’s final professional match took place in September 2022, and this documentary captures those critical twelve days leading to it. It features reaction shots from his family, team, and even his fiercest rivals. Reflecting on his state post-retirement, Federer shared, It’s been a wonderful day. I’m happy, not sad. It feels great to be here. I’m happy I made it through.

A Family Affair

Federer’s Final Days – A Documentary Delving into the Tennis Legend’s Emotions

Mirka Federer was immensely moved by the documentary as well. Despite efforts to hold back tears, emotions flowed freely. At a special screening in Zurich alongside director Asif Kapadia and co-director Joe Sabia, Federer disclosed, Mirka and I cried a lot: it was incredible to relive those moments. It happened two months ago in Zurich when there was a first screening of the film, which was 90 percent ready. I cried at least six times; career is truly over.

The Director’s Perspective

Federer’s Final Days – A Documentary Delving into the Tennis Legend’s Emotions

Director Asif Kapadia brings his unique narrative style to the documentary. He commented, The whole thing just felt emotional to me. I know everybody’s going to watch it with different eyes, but for me, it was very personal. Reflecting on the film’s drive, he added, One of my favorite lines in the film is his coach says athletes die twice. We are witnessing his death, but this guy is also rich and healthy.

An Emotional Rollercoaster

The documentary isn’t just about tennis; it’s about all those interwoven relationships and moments that define a career’s end. Speaking on these emotional depths captured in the documentary, Asif Kapadia highlighted how Federer’s coach aptly summed up the athlete’s journey.

This isn’t just a look at Federer’s career but an exploration of the man behind the storied legacy—a man who warmly said goodbye surrounded by fans chanting his name. Navigator Nadal noted with emotion as they clasped hands: I don’t know what I’m going to do now; what comes next?

This glimpse into Federer’s final days isn’t merely a testament to his sportsmanship but an honest portrayal of a significant life’s chapter and its closure.

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