Fan Buzz Over Naomi Scott’s Role in Smile 2

by Alex Billington June 15, 2024

“Disaster waiting to happen, like blood on white satin.” It’s been a while since we’ve seen a captivating viral marketing campaign. Some horror fans have spotted a promotion for a pop star named Skye Riley, showcasing her new single titled “Blood On White Satin.” The footage features her walking up on stage during what seems like a spectacular concert.

Fan Buzz Over Naomi Scott’s Role in Smile 2

This pop star connection has fans buzzing because Naomi Scott plays a character named Skye Riley in the highly anticipated sequel Smile 2. The first film, directed by Parker Finn and released in September 2022, was a massive hit, raking in an impressive $106M at the US box office.

Smile 2 (also known as Smile Deluxe) is set for release in October later this year. The song is expected to drop on June 18th alongside what will likely be the trailer’s debut. Although plot details are tightly under wraps, there’s speculation about the central storyline.

Fan Buzz Over Naomi Scott’s Role in Smile 2

Could the plot involve a pop star spreading a smile curse at concerts? Sounds chilling indeed. The song’s lyrics support this eerie tone: “blood on white satin,” “devastation right in front of me,” and “am I a future disaster just waiting to happen?”

When asked in 2022 about continuing the franchise, director Parker Finn said, There is still a lot of interesting stuff to explore in the world of Smile…[and] make sure there’s a new, exciting, fresh way into it that the audience isn’t anticipating. I also want to find some new ways to scare them and unnerve them.

Fan Buzz Over Naomi Scott’s Role in Smile 2

The sequel sees Finn return as both writer and director, with major producers including Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey.

A YouTube video promoting Skye Riley’s new song leads to her official website, listing the release date as June 18th. Further photos and videos are available on her IG account @skyerileynation. This strategic move promotes the song while hinting at a broader connection to the film.

Fan Buzz Over Naomi Scott’s Role in Smile 2

It stars Naomi Scott as Skye Riley, raising curiosity if she’ll portray her dual role—both musician and horror protagonist—effectively. Stay tuned for more updates and keep following @smilemovie on Twitter.

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