Exploring Racial Dynamics in Slave Play and Orphan Black’s Futuristic Return

Exploring Racial Dynamics in Slave Play

Jeremy O. Harris’s breakout stage production, Slave Play, delves deeply into racial dynamics against the backdrop of the antebellum South. The drama uses a unique form of couples therapy to explore these tensions, forcing both characters and audiences to confront the lasting impact of history on interracial relationships.

Exploring Racial Dynamics in Slave Play and Orphan Black’s Futuristic Return

The play juxtaposes the Civil War era with modern times, compelling audiences to reflect on how the legacy of slavery influences dynamics of power, sex, and accountability between races. As Harris aptly puts it, Slave Play wants viewers of all races to acknowledge that reality.

Orphan Black Returns with Echoes

Fans of the science fiction series Orphan Black can rejoice as its universe expands with a new chapter: Orphan Black: Echoes. Set in 2052, this sequel stars executive producer Krysten Ritter as Lucy, an amnesiac unraveling the impacts of a mysterious procedure she does not recall having. The premise catapults audiences into a future rife with ethical conundrums and scientific intrigue.

Exploring Racial Dynamics in Slave Play and Orphan Black’s Futuristic Return

The Legacy Continues: Technological Feats in Orphan Black

The original Orphan Black left an indelible mark on TV cloning narratives, becoming a household name seven years before the release of Orphan Black: Echoes. Tatiana Maslany’s portrayal of multiple clones stood out due to both her acting prowess and the show’s reliance on cutting-edge technology.

Exploring Racial Dynamics in Slave Play and Orphan Black’s Futuristic Return

According to co-creator John Fawcett, they utilized one of only three Technodolly cameras available in North America for filming, emphasizing the intricate scenes involving multiple clones. Maslany herself noted, It gets easier every time you do it, but John always wants to push the limits of what we’re able to do with the technology.

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