Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing Substance

Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing Substance

New York Mets closer Edwin Díaz was ejected for “sticky stuff” before pitching the bottom of the ninth against the Chicago Cubs on Sunday night at Wrigley Field. Díaz’s ejection for using a banned grip-enhancing substance carries with it an automatic 10-game suspension, pending any appeal.

Mets Pitcher Ejected in Controversial Decision

As Díaz took the field to warm up before facing the Cubs in the bottom of the ninth, second-base umpire Brian Walsh performed a routine inspection of the pitcher’s hand and glove. Apparently concerned with what he found, Walsh summoned other members of the umpiring crew for further inspections and discussion. Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing SubstanceAfter deliberation and hearing from Díaz, third-base umpire and crew chief Vic Carapazza signaled his ejection from the game.Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing Substance

Stricter MLB Rules Enforced

Díaz was replaced by right-hander Drew Smith. He and Jake Diekman combined for a scoreless ninth to secure the 5-2 Mets win.
Pitchers use grip-enhancing substances like Spider Tack and pine tar to improve their control and spin rates.Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing SubstanceMLB first instituted guidelines against such substances during June 2021 to reduce their rampant use.

An Ongoing Issue in Major League Baseball

In spring training of 2023, MLB signaled it would step up enforcement of these rules and increase the frequency of checks like those that ensnared Díaz on Sunday.

Edwin Díaz has pitched to a 4.70 ERA in 23 appearances this season, with 33 strikeouts and seven walks in 23 innings. This season marks his comeback after a knee injury suffered during the World Baseball Classic that cost him all of 2023.Edwin Díaz Ejected from Mets Game for Using Grip-Enhancing Substance

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