Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

When Donald Glover announced that he and co-creator Francesca Sloane were reinventing the film ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ as a TV series, reactions ranged from excitement to skepticism. Glover has described this adaptation as more of a romance show than a conventional spy thriller.

Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

The original movie, starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, was known for its high-octane action and comedic depiction of a married couple unaware of each other’s spy lives. In this new Amazon Prime series, the dynamics have shifted: John and Jane Smith, played by Donald Glover and Maya Erskine, are fully aware of each other’s careers as spies from the start.

Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

A Fresh Take on Characters

This change allows for more depth in their relationship dynamics, diving beyond mere secret identities into themes of trust and partnership. According to Erskine, the inspiration to join the project came from the combination of working with renowned creatives like Hiro Murai and Sloane. She mentioned, I was just so enamored with their work that it felt like an undeniable yes.

The pilot episode sets the tone with an engaging sequence where Maya’s character, Jane Smith, fights off attackers at a remote cabin. This intense opener serves not just to introduce her skills but also her complex personality.

Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

A Unique Blend of Drama and Action

The show straddles a fine line between action-packed scenes and thoughtful drama. The narrative delves into how these characters manage their ‘marriage’ while simultaneously dealing with life’s deadly missions. This dynamic forms the crux of several key episodes narrated through both action sequences and quieter moments of introspection.

A Nod to the Original With New Twists

The therapy scene featuring Sarah Paulson, who guest stars as the couple’s therapist, is a significant highlight. This episode mirrors a scene from the 2005 film but adds depth by focusing on their inability to openly discuss their real issues due to their secretive spy work.

Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

Murai’s direction adds a nuanced layer to this scene, making it one of the most talked-about parts of the series. Paulson’s portrayal brings both humor and gravity, perfectly capturing the delicate balance needed for such a session.

Donald Glover Reimagines Mr. & Mrs. Smith as a Romantic Spy Series

The Creative Vision Behind the Series

Glover’s approach to reviving ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ involved reaching out to Brad Pitt, seeking advice on embodying his iconic role. According to Glover, ‘Brad was like, you know, he just Brad Pitt-ed his way out of it.’

The transition from movie to TV series wasn’t just about maintaining its action-filled core; it was about exploring deeper themes of love and professional partnership amid chaos.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith reflects Glover’s distinct blend of humor and drama that fans have grown to love from his time on shows like Atlanta and Community. By merging action with relational complexity, he aims to offer audiences something fresh yet familiar.Watch trailer on Amazon Prime Video

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