Doctor Who to Introduce Jonathan Groff as Millie Gibson’s Role Decreases

Ncuti Gatwa has brought a refreshing energy as the 15th Doctor in the most recent season of Doctor Who, but fans are facing unexpected changes with the news surrounding Millie Gibson’s character, Ruby Sunday. Speculation and queries about the fate of Ruby have been a hot topic since last year’s Christmas special.

Doctor Who to Introduce Jonathan Groff as Millie Gibson’s Role Decreases

Russell T Davies Puts Stakes Higher Than Ever

As anticipated, Russell T Davies, known for his bold narrative choices, has shared insights into the upcoming season. In an interview, he said, Right now in the studio, shooting for 2025, we’ve got Ncuti, Millie, and Varada fighting side by side – we need all three, because the stakes are higher than ever.

Doctor Who to Introduce Jonathan Groff as Millie Gibson’s Role Decreases

Final Season Episode Leaves Questions

Following Gatwa’s debut season wrapping up with a revealing eighth episode, viewers are left pondering Ruby Sunday’s origins. Much to many’s surprise and disappointment, Ruby’s background ended with a twist that portrayed her mother, Louise, as just an ordinary person, which seemed anticlimactic to some.

A New Companion and Future Dynamics

Joining forces with the current cast ensemble is Jonathan Groff playing the intriguing Rogue. A noteworthy moment was their shared chemistry in a Regency England-inspired episode where their bond culminates in a kiss. Rogue eventually vanishes but leaves a hint for future encounters.

Looking ahead, Millie Gibson will return briefly for the Disney+ exclusive second season of Doctor Who. The transition raises questions around how new team dynamics will shape up as she gets phased out.

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