Doctor Who Season Finale Examined From Character Arcs to Future Potentials

As the series wraps up with The Legend of Ruby Sunday and Empire of Death, fans find themselves questioning some of Russell T Davies’ choices in the Disney Who era. The villain Sutekh, voiced again by Gabriel Woolf, brings a familiar menace to the climax. Yet, despite memorable villains and moments, there are aspects that feel less polished than usual for Davies.

Doctor Who Season Finale Examined From Character Arcs to Future Potentials

The Challenges of Writing

Despite being an engaging two-parter, the season finale struggles with narrative cohesion. Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor finds himself dealing with unresolved threads like Ruby’s true parentage and her mysterious powers. The scene where the Doctor drags Sutekh behind the TARDIS evokes mixed emotions, especially when he delivers an impassioned speech about becoming a monster without explicit context.

Doctor Who Season Finale Examined From Character Arcs to Future Potentials

An Emotional Farewell

The emotional core of Ruby Sunday’s character arc is undeniable. Her encounter with her mother, while intense and moving, leaves some plot holes that are hard to overlook. Gibson’s portrayal, however, is laudable. As she prepares for her departure from the TARDIS, her last words to Sutekh resonate powerfully.

Doctor Who Season Finale Examined From Character Arcs to Future Potentials

Susan Foreman Returns?

An undercurrent involving the Doctor’s regret over abandoning his granddaughter Susan (Carol Ann Ford) adds depth to this season. In one scene, the Doctor reminisces about Totter’s Lane and Susan, but ultimately balks at returning to see her. A final post-credit scene featuring an elderly Susan could have tied together this undercurrent beautifully.

Doctor Who Season Finale Examined From Character Arcs to Future Potentials

Companions Shine Brightest

Bonnie Langford as Melanie Bush is undoubtedly a standout. Her character’s evolution and relationship with the Doctor provide grounding for the finale, reminding us of past moments like Sarah Jane Smith’s impactful return in School Reunion. Langford’s performance during her scenes captures this growth poignantly.

The Potential Ahead

The season finale leaves many questions unanswered but lays ground for intriguing possibilities. The memorable scenes, such as those in the Memory TARDIS, showcase how visually and emotionally captivating this series can be when on point. Amidst its imperfections, Empire of Death moves the narrative forward in ways that could pave a more coherent path for future installments.

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