Doctor Who Season 14 Finale to Uncover Ruby Sunday’s Mysterious Past

The much-anticipated two-part finale of Doctor Who’s 14th season is just around the corner. Titled The Legend of Ruby Sunday, the first half will be available on BBC iPlayer at midnight and broadcast on BBC One at 6:30 PM on Saturday, June 15th.

Doctor Who Season 14 Finale to Uncover Ruby Sunday’s Mysterious Past

According to the episode synopsis, the story focuses on the Doctor and UNIT investigating Ruby’s past. During this investigation, a Time Window threatens to uncover horrifying secrets from Christmas Eve while the enigmatic Triad Technology unleashes a powerful evil.

Star-Studded Cast Returns

The finale features a plethora of returning characters. Jemma Redgrave’s Kate Lethbridge-Stewart will be back, alongside Bonnie Langford as Mel Bush and Yasmin Finney as Rose Noble. New stars include Lenny Rush as Morris Gibbons and Genesis Lynea as Harriet.

Interestingly, Susan Twist joins the cast in a major role, portraying Susan Triad. Fans have speculated that her character could have connections to the TARDIS, given her name’s intriguing anagram, S TRIAD.

Adding to this curiosity, showrunner Russell T Davies shared his excitement in Doctor Who Magazine: To ramp up your anticipation, it’s a joy to welcome Genesis Lynea on board… so much fun to work with her again, so soon, in a very different role.

Main Roles Stealing the Limelight

A pivotal part of this season has been Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor. He mentioned feeling a strong bond with past actors: They’ve all been absolute angels, the solidarity from the other Doctors has been really nice.

Doctor Who Season 14 Finale to Uncover Ruby Sunday’s Mysterious Past

Millie Gibson, who portrays Ruby Sunday, has also left quite an impression since making her debut in the 2023 Christmas special. With standout performances against varied backdrops—including dinosaurs and live battlefields—she firmly established herself as a fan favorite.

Expectations for What’s Next

The concluding episode titled Empire of Death, airing a week after The Legend of Ruby Sunday, promises unprecedented excitement. Davies urged viewers to catch it first thing when dropped at midnight:

If ever you’re going to stay up until midnight with a bottle of cider or a box of chocolates and sit there and watch Doctor Who, I would recommend it because you will be screaming.

A Final Mystery Revealed?

Doctor Who Season 14 Finale to Uncover Ruby Sunday’s Mysterious Past

As we navigate through this thrilling season ender, many are particularly intrigued by Yasmin Finney’s Rose Noble. Finney herself once shared her excitement about joining such an iconic show: If anyone would have told 8-year-old Yasmin that one day she’d be part of this iconic show, I would have never in a million years believed them… I cannot wait to begin this journey and for you all to see how Rose blossoms. Get ready.

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