Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

The latest episode of Doctor Who has fans buzzing, as the 15th Doctor, portrayed by Ncuti Gatwa, faces a nostalgic foe in The Legend of Ruby Sunday. This thrilling finale brings back a villain from the past that longtime viewers may recognize.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

The Return of Sutekh

In a surprising twist, Sutekh, also known as Set in Egyptian mythology, emerges as the antagonist. Fans of the classic series will recall his appearance in the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, where he attempted to escape Mars and wreak havoc on Earth. In that adventure, the 4th Doctor, played by Tom Baker, and his companion Sarah-Jane Smith narrowly defeated him.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

Facing Old Enemies

This time, Sutekh emerges through a time tunnel using the image of the TARDIS in the Time Window, as hinted at earlier in the season. The Doctor’s struggle to uncover Susan Triad’s true identity ties into this larger plot of ancient evils resurfacing. UNIT’s investigations reveal her as none other than a conduit for Sutekh’s return.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

A New Threat Unveiled

As Sutekh’s influence seeps into modern times, creepy figures like Mrs. Flood, reminiscent of past Servant characters alongside mummy robots, foreshadow his chilling reappearance. Nostalgic fans will remember Professor Scarman falling victim to Sutekh’s power when hit by a green light inside an inner chamber.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

UNIT’s Role and Ancient Magic

The battle against Sutekh doesn’t just rely on brute force but also on the collaboration between The Doctor and UNIT. They revisit old methods including invoking ancient magic forces tied to The Giggle episode featuring Neil Patrick Harris as Toymaker.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

This throwback ties into a larger mythos connecting Sutekh with other ancient gods like The Toymaker and The Trickster. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that these forces have been subtly manipulating events behind the scenes.

The High Stakes and Conclusion

Sutekh’s return is part of showrunner Russell T. Davies’ intricate storytelling web that’s been carefully woven across episodes, making this confrontation more intense. Thankfully, fans won’t have to wait long to see if The Doctor can prevent disaster.

Doctor Who Finale Sees the Return of Iconic Villain Sutekh

Doctor Who continues to stream on Disney+.

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