Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future Possibilities

Ever since Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ended the Rey and Kylo trilogy on a sour note because of its broken mystery box approach to storytelling, even the cast members have expressed frustration at the new trilogy’s botched momentum and blown opportunities. During a Daisy Ridley interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Ridley mentioned that the answer to the mystery of Rey’s parentage was never set in stone. She explained how Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future PossibilitiesJ.J. Abrams first suggested Rey was ‘Palpatine’s grandaddy,’ but this idea kept changing, leading to uncertainty even while filming. This showcases how Abrams’ approach impacted Ridley and the storyline considerably, adding layers to Rey’s character arc.

Daisy Ridley, known for her role as Rey in the ‘Star Wars’ franchise, addressed the issue of sexism from fans during an appearance on NBC’s ‘TODAY’ show. She mentioned that the interactions she had with people have been supportive and wonderful. Referring to the upcoming ‘Star Wars’ movie directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Ridley expressed positivity, saying, I think we’re going to make a great film. Obaid-Chinoy is recognized as the first woman and person of color to direct a feature film for the ‘Star Wars’ franchise.Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future Possibilities

Future of Rey Skywalker

I really don’t know if there are plans. I just don’t know, Daisy Ridley confessed when discussing her potential return to Star Wars. But ultimately, I loved my experience, I loved what I got to do, and I love the people I got to work with. Should an opportunity present itself again, she would definitely consider it.Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future Possibilities

The Problematic Legacy

The problem arises from how interconnected The Acolyte narrative has become with other Star Wars stories. Even though some might say she
‘hasn’t earned it,’ claiming Luke’s surname was a deliberate decision by Lucasfilm intended to redefine what being a Skywalker means moving forward.Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future Possibilities

Unexpected Twists

The ending moments of The Rise of Skywalker saw Rey adopt the Skywalker name while visited by Force ghosts of Luke and Leia.The significance of this action is up for debate among die-hard fans, who contest whether she rightfully deserves her place among such an esteemed legacy.

Daisy Ridley’s Perspective

A key challenge for Lucasfilm will be addressing these controversies as they move forward with Rey’s story in ‘New Jedi Order.’ Actress Daisy Ridley has reiterated her support for revisiting her character.I loved my experience, she stated.Daisy Ridley Reflects on Rey’s Controversies in Star Wars and Future Possibilities Recapturing both critical and commercial success requires navigating these divisive waters meticulously.

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