Bridgerton Season 4 Rumors Debunked by Costume Designers on Eloise’s Floral Dress

It’s no secret that Bridgerton often drops clues about future seasons in its meticulously designed costumes. However, fans might be reading a bit too deeply into the current wardrobe gossip. Claudia Jessie’s portrayal of Eloise Bridgerton showcases a shift to a more feminine aesthetic this season, reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.

Bridgerton Season 4 Rumors Debunked by Costume Designers on Eloise’s Floral Dress

Evolution of Eloise’s Aesthetic

Eloise, who has often been seen wearing practical clothing, has made headlines with her transformation to a pastel-filled wardrobe. One standout outfit is her shimmery ballgown, which has led many to theorize that she will be the central character in season 4.

Bridgerton Season 4 Rumors Debunked by Costume Designers on Eloise’s Floral Dress

Theories on the Viral Floral Dress

This floral dress has stirred speculation among fans on Reddit who believe it hints at Eloise’s love story with Sir Phillip in To Sir Phillip, With Love. Observers have noted that the dress is a light shade of green—Phillip’s favorite color—with flower details mirroring the geraniums he sends Eloise in the book.

Costume Designers Debunk Theories

Interestingly, costume designers John Glaser, George Sayer, and Dougie Hawkes, while speaking exclusively with PEOPLE, debunked these theories. They emphasized that although the viral floral dress caused much conversation, it was not intended as a foreshadowing device. People have said, ‘Oh, that’s the flower from the book,’ Glaser recalls. Adding to this, Sayer noted,We’ll take it, but the intention wasn’t there.

Bridgerton Season 4 Rumors Debunked by Costume Designers on Eloise’s Floral Dress

Creative Process and Changes

The costume designers expressed surprise at how their work was interpreted by fans.It’s flattering to think that we’re that smart. We’re not, Glaser joked.It’s after the fact when people dissect it. I do sometimes think, ‘I had no idea we did that.’ It just was there.

What’s Next for Bridgerton Season 4?

The creators have remained tight-lipped about season 4’s lead character. Julia Quinn confirmed she knows who will be at the story’s center but couldn’t share further details.The answer might be unveiled in season 3 finale, keeping all viewers eagerly anticipating what comes next.

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