A Review of Under Paris Netflix’s Shark Thriller with a Parisian Backdrop

Editor’s Note: The following contains spoilers for Under Paris.

An Attempt at Combining Sharks and Parisian Charm Falls Flat

Under Paris marks another creature feature set in the heart of France. With a plot centering around killer sharks infiltrating the iconic city, this latest Netflix offering failed to make waves comparable to genre giants like Jaws. The film has garnered mixed reviews, sitting at a 65% on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it has surprisingly rocketed to the top of Netflix’s global charts.

Plot Overview

The story begins with marine researcher Sophia (played by Bérénice Bejo) encountering the deadly shark Lilith in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The film jumps ahead three years, revealing Sophia still haunted by the past but called into action when environmentalist Mika claims that Lilith is now terrorizing the Seine River in Paris.

A Review of Under Paris Netflix’s Shark Thriller with a Parisian Backdrop

Mishmash of Ideas from Other Films

The movie appears to borrow heavily from classics, with several nods to Jaws-like scenarios such as a large, hungry shark menacingly prowling waters where it clearly doesn’t belong. However, these familiar elements fail to add much-needed depth or originality.

Mika (Léa Léviant) and her followers’ disastrous encounter with Lillith adds some tension, yet it feels like a derivative take on scenes from Jaws 2 and Deep Blue Sea. The young activists’ fruitless attempts to escape mirror familiar scenes of panic and chaos from those films.

Cliché Characters and Performances

Sophia’s struggle against the shark invasion seems unwaveringly predictable. Although played by talented actors like Nassim Lyes as Sergeant Adil Faez and Anne Marivin as the Mayor of Paris, who remains frustratingly stone-hearted about canceling the World Triathlon Championships despite mounting evidence – emblematic of yet another trope borrowed from Jaws’ mayor character.

A Review of Under Paris Netflix’s Shark Thriller with a Parisian Backdrop

Predictable Plot with Asexual Reproduction Twist

The plot twist of Lillith’s ability to reproduce asexually, leading to an ever-growing school of predatory sharks in the heart of Paris, comes across as poorly executed. This element provides more eco-commentary than genuine terror. Ultimately, the bomb placement plan devised by Sophia and Adil fails dramatically, spiraling into a gruesome feast during the heavily televised triathlon event.

A Review of Under Paris Netflix’s Shark Thriller with a Parisian Backdrop

Analysis Inferior and Forced Comparisons

The ham-fisted integration of environmental issues detracts rather than enhances and clouds critical narrative focus. Besides occasional suspenseful moments and overwhelming number of shark attacks, there is little here that hasn’t been seen elsewhere.

A Review of Under Paris Netflix’s Shark Thriller with a Parisian Backdrop

Poor Execution Despite Potential Concepts

The killer sharks living under Paris take home the win at the end of the Netflix film ‘Under Paris.’

The perceived interweaving with popular shows like Emily in Paris scratches the surface but ultimately fizzles out without achieving effective thematic blend or proper execution.

A Watch Optional for Genre Enthusiasts Only

Despite being a triumphant Netflix charmer globally according its numbers, ‘Under Paris’‘ actual value remains evasive. Watch if curious about how many reference-packed concepts can stack into one film poorly blending urban adventure, supernatural thrillers, and eco-horror tropes turned unrealistic chomping spree inadvertently humorous for any unintended viewers not expecting cliché-blast ride…

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