The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

The Unsung Heroes Behind The Fall Guy

In Hollywood, the art of the stunt often goes unnoticed, overshadowed by the actors whose faces grace the posters. But Ryan Gosling himself summed it up best: I kind of had a stunt double my whole life… It’s always been this strange dynamic where they come and do all the cool stuff and then they go and hide, and you pretend that you did it. And it’s not cool… it’s about time that we recognize that they’ve been making actors into movie stars for a century.

The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

What makes The Fall Guy unique is its unabashed tribute to these behind-the-scenes warriors. For director David Leitch and producer Kelly McCormick, showcasing the hard work of stunt performers was paramount. Leitch himself said, This stunt designer credit hopefully brings light to the fact that I am designing the action for the film.

A High-Stakes Ballet

The film features some jaw-dropping sequences, none more impressive than the eight-and-a-half somersaults performed by stunt driver Logan Holladay. As recounted by Holladay: We didn’t think that I was gonna get a Guinness World Record. We were just trying to do the biggest, best stuff that’s ever been done.

The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

Holladay’s incredible feat exemplifies how each stunt in The Fall Guy is orchestrated with military precision. Chris O’Hara, another key member of the stunt team, collaborated closely with Logan and other performers to ensure safety and spectacle.

The Passion Driving Them

The story behind each stunt performer is layered with personal narratives and sacrifices. Stunt performer Ben Jenkin recalls his entry into stunt work: I got a call from [stunt designer] Chris O’Hara…I said, ‘I’ve never done a fire burn. I’ve never been hit by a car before.’ And he’s like, ‘Good thing that they’re both in the script.’

The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

Troy Brown brings his family legacy into play when performing stunts. His high-fall sequence from a 150-foot height is a homage to his father, Troy Brown Sr., who guided him through this daunting task: [My dad said] ‘Turn two inches to your left. Turn back an inch. Okay, you’re gonna hit the bag.’

A Love Letter to Stunt Performers

The movie isn’t just about depicting death-defying stunts; it’s about recognizing those who perform them. The Fall Guy premiered with flair at its Hollywood debut with motorcyclists popping wheelies along the red carpet and stuntmen diving off cranes. The premiere event itself reflected the thrilling nature of its content.

The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

Renny Harlin’s perspective on stunts offers additional insight into the world of action filmmaking: In one of my first student films, I explained to the students, I put the camera inside the fridge so you’d open it up and see his face like, ‘Wow!’ This quote highlights his innovative approach and respect for visual storytelling, a philosophy mirrored in Leitch’s direction.

The Legacy and Future of Stunts

As filmmakers continue to push boundaries with more ambitious projects, there’s an increasing call for recognition in awards circuits. Already there’s a push within The Academy to add a ‘Best Stunts’ category – something hailed by both industry insiders and fans alike.

The Real-Life Fall Guys How Ryan Goslings Stunt Team Pulls Off Death-Defying Scenes

As more films like The Fall Guy emerge showcasing practical stunts over CGI-heavy sequences, they serve as exciting reminders of what raw human skill can accomplish. As echoed by Gosling: They’ve been performing incredible feats on film since the early 1900s.

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