School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

Get ready to return to Baydon High, as School Spirits gears up for its highly anticipated second season. Production is now in full swing, and here’s what we know about the returning faces and new additions to this spellbinding series.

Returning Favorites

Every current series regular is back! Fans will be excited to see their favorite characters once again gracing the halls. Expect to catch Peyton List reprising her role as Maddie, the ghostly protagonist stuck between worlds.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

Kristian Ventura will return as Simon, Maddie’s best friend and sole living contact. Milo Manheim continues his portrayal of Wally, adding charm and depth to his spectral character.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

Spencer MacPherson as Xavier, Sarah Yarkin as Rhonda, Nick Pugliese as Charley, Rainbow Wedell as Claire, and Kiara Pichardo as Nicole also return. Notably, Josh Zuckerman’s Mr. Martin has been elevated to a series regular status—a promotion backed by the creators’ excitement.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New CastSchool Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New CastSchool Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

Fresh Faces

The arrival of new faces promises fresh energy for season 2. Jess Gabor joins the cast as Janet Hamilton, Zack Calderon takes on the role of Diego Herrera, and Miles Elliot will appear as Yuri. The introduction of these new characters should stir up more intrigue and drama among the seasoned ensemble.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New CastSchool Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

What Lies Ahead

The second season picks up after the momentous finale of Season 1. With newfound knowledge about her fate, Maddie must now rally both her spectral and living friends to reclaim her stolen life. The journey won’t be easy, but as producer Shauna Phelan mentioned, We are thrilled to bring a second season to our loyal fan base.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

The Paramount+ Return

The show’s return promises not just continuity but also exciting new twists with an expanded cast. The renewal of School Spirits signifies a vote of confidence from Paramount+, illustrating that original content can flourish when given the chance.

School Spirits Season 2 What to Expect with the Returning and New Cast

Mark your calendars for this fall; the spectral mysteries await unraveling!

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