Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn Collaborate on Possession Remake

It’s official—Robert Pattinson and Smile director Parker Finn are teaming up for a remake of the 1981 cult classic Possession. This news has taken many in the film community by surprise, considering Andrzej Żuławski’s original is an intense psychological horror that blends marital discord with supernatural elements.

Parker Finn brings his experience to the remake

Smile director Parker Finn is set to helm this project. Finn’s work in Smile masterfully depicted themes of trauma and coping mechanisms through a horror lens. The nuanced direction in Smile brings forth an intensity that should align well with the complex narrative of Possession.

A bold move for Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson, best known for his role in The Batman, continues to diversify his acting portfolio. Of the upcoming project, Pattinson said, ^I don’t really know what ‘cutting edge’ is. I’ve always looked at things really differently. People said, ‘Oh, you look like you’re a brooding actor.’ But I’ve always thought, I just look bored. I don’t think I’ve ever played brooding.’

The legacy and challenge of Possession

Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn Collaborate on Possession RemakeThe original 1981 Possession, starring Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill, dives into a story where a woman exhibits increasingly disturbing behavior post-divorce, leading to sinister implications. The film is infamous for its practical effects and intense performances. Sam Neill once described it as ^the most extreme film he has ever made.

The plot and cast

A defining aspect of Żuławski’s Possession is its dramatic backdrop set against Cold War-era Berlin. The plot focuses on the disintegrating marriage between Adjani and Neill’s characters, which escalates into madness when supernatural elements come into play. The updated script from Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn aims to retain the haunting essence of the original while appealing to contemporary audiences.

A blend of styles

Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn Collaborate on Possession RemakePattinson’s post-Twilight Saga choices show an intriguing pattern of selecting challenging roles. His depth was notably showcased in The Rover, where he played a wayward young man in a dystopian world, proving his capability to handle complex characters.

Pattinson himself acknowledged The practical effects in ‘Possession’ are magical.

Skeptical reactions from fans

This announcement has not been without skepticism from fans of Żuławski’s original masterpiece. Social media reactions have ranged from confusion to outright disbelief, reflecting on whether this modern remake can capture the unsettling atmosphere that made the 1981 version a cult favorite.

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