Julia Louis-Dreyfus Explores Motherhood and Mortality in New Drama Tuesday

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Explores Motherhood and Mortality in New Drama Tuesday

Julia Louis-Dreyfus delivered a performance that demanded her to dig deep emotionally in the film Tuesday, directed by Daina O. Pusić. Ahead of its release, Louis-Dreyfus shared with PEOPLE how portraying Zora, a mother facing the imminent death of her daughter, was very challenging and called for visiting a very painful place within herself.

Facing Mortality

The narrative follows Zora (Louis-Dreyfus) as she grapples with her terminally ill daughter, Tuesday, played by Lola Petticrew. Central to the plot is a talking macaw, symbolizing Death, voiced by Arinzé Kene. The bird’s dialogues help prepare Zora for what lies ahead, encapsulating the essence of the story.

A Personal Journey Informed By Motherhood

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Explores Motherhood and Mortality in New Drama Tuesday

Louis-Dreyfus notes that being a mother herself significantly influenced her approach to the role. Everything about being a mother prepared me for this role…. I live and breathe that bond between parent and child. This connection helped deepen her portrayal of Zora, enriched further through extensive discussions and rehearsals with Petticrew and Pusić.

The Bond Between Characters

The intense bond between Zora and Tuesday is evident through their physical interactions on screen. The closeness is portrayed as Zora bathes, carries, and sleeps beside her daughter. This physical intimacy underscores the emotional complexity of their relationship.

Reflecting Personal Experiences with Mortality

The actress’s personal experience with breast cancer also informed her portrayal of Zora. Louis-Dreyfus reflects on how age and health challenges have made her acutely aware of mortality. I am very aware of my mortality…, she shares, acknowledging how these personal experiences lent authenticity to her performance.

An Emotional Impact

Louis-Dreyfus hopes that audiences will find both entertainment and meaningful conversation from Tuesday. Particularly around themes such as denial, grief, hope, and acceptance. She emphasizes the value of watching the film collectively in theaters for its profound subject matter.

Premiere at Telluride Film Festival

The movie premiered at the Telluride Film Festival in 2023, where it received positive reviews for its unique narrative and strong performances. The festival setting provided an apt backdrop for experiencing this ‘heart-rending fairy tale’ about loss and resilience.

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