Jeremy Renner Explains Why He Left Mission Impossible

The character of William Brandt was planned to be part of the biggest chapter of the Mission: Impossible franchise, but Jeremy Renner opted out.

Jeremy Renner portrayed William Brandt in Ghost Protocol, and rumors had floated in 2011 that he might take over for Tom Cruise in future films. Regardless, Brandt did not replace Ethan Hunt but became a helpful ally. He appeared again in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, dealing with IMF’s political red tape.

Jeremy Renner Explains Why He Left Mission Impossible

Renner Shares The Real Reason

While appearing on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Renner explained that he left the Mission: Impossible franchise to be closer to his daughter. Renner shared, I had to go be a dad. It just wasn’t gonna work out then.

Renner mentioned his daughter was still very young at the time, and the level of time commitment required for the film meant being far away from her. This decision ultimately prioritized his personal life over his professional commitments.

A Planned Exit For Brandt

Moreover, Renner was disappointed upon learning that his character would be killed off early in Mission: Impossible – Fallout. Renner recalled,No, you don’t get to do that. You’re not going to drag me over there and just kill my character…

Jeremy Renner Explains Why He Left Mission Impossible

Rising Tensions With McQuarrie

The actor admitted getting agitated with writer/director Christopher McQuarrie over this situation. He even yelled at McQuarrie saying,Dude, you’re not going to do this to me like that; you’re not going to do me wrong.

Renner’s Admiration For The Franchise

Despite walking away from that specific installment, Renner expressed continued admiration for the team and franchise.I love those guys. I love Tom [Cruise] so much. We had so much fun, and I love that character a lot.

The Future Of William Brandt

Now that his daughter is older,Renner is ready to return to the action-packed franchise when the opportunity arises. The potential for Brandt’s return keeps fans hopeful for more onscreen collaboration between him and Tom Cruise.

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