Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

Jennifer Aniston recently opened up about her days on the iconic sitcom Friends, shedding light on the dynamic among the cast members. In a candid interview, Aniston revealed that fellow actress Lisa Kudrow often had mixed feelings about the live audience reaction during filming.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

Kudrow’s Reactions to Audience Laughter

Aniston shared that while Kudrow was undoubtedly charming as Phoebe Buffay, the quirky character known for her offbeat humor, she didn’t always appreciate the live audience’s laughter. Kudrow felt that it sometimes disrupted the flow of their performances, creating moments of discomfort.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

Aniston Reflects on Cast Bonding

When Matthew was sick, it was not fun. We were just hopelessly standing on the sidelines. We were hurting a lot. Matthew is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met in my life. He’s charming and hilarious. Most of our hard laughs came from Matthew, Kudrow recounted.

Aniston emphasized how close-knit the Friends cast was: It was always the 6 of us. She expressed that each member had a unique role in their group dynamic, which contributed to their strong bond both on and off-screen.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

The Social Media Era and Its Absence During Friends

The absence of social media during the original airing of Friends is something Aniston reflects on fondly. Discussing this with ‘Abbott Elementary’ creator Quinta Brunson, Aniston highlighted the luxury they had without the constant scrutiny of social media.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

Aniston said, You weren’t faced with what people are commenting and ripping you apart or whatever. It was really an innocent time, where we could roam about the world a lot easier. Brunson’s own experiences led her to establish a no-social media policy for her show to preserve its creative integrity.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

The Impact and Legacy of Friends

Despite two decades passing since its last episode aired, Friends continues to resonate with viewers worldwide. Reflecting on its enduring popularity, Aniston remarked how surreal it feels that the show is nearing its 30th anniversary.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

A memorable anecdote shared by Aniston involves sneaking into a hair salon where Kudrow was getting her hair done just hours before their first episode premiered, highlighting the playful camaraderie they shared.

Jennifer Aniston Shares How Lisa Kudrow Felt About Live Audience Laughter on Friends

The Everlasting Family Bond

Aniston often speaks with her former co-stars, indicating that their bond remains unbroken. She noted, I talked on FaceTime with [Courteney Cox] last night for an hour, and Lisa and the boys; we just have a really… it’s a family forever.

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