Elle Fanning to Star in New Predator Film Badlands with Prey 2 in Development

Elle Fanning has faced off against extra-terrestrials in Super 8, murderous models in The Neon Demon, and Disney’s most evil villain in Maleficent, but now she’s set to take on one of cinema’s greatest monsters in the shape of the Predator.

Elle Fanning to Star in New Predator Film Badlands with Prey 2 in Development

According to Deadline, Fanning is set to star in 20th Century and Dan Trachtenberg’s latest standalone Predator pic Badlands, details of which are kept under a cloak of invisibility, but it is reportedly set in the future with The Great actor as the female lead.

It was confirmed earlier this year that following the success of Prey, Trachtenberg was going to be the creative force behind a number of Predator-related projects that the studio is developing, including a direct sequel to Prey, which would find Amber Midthunder returning, and Badlands, which he co-wrote with Patrick Aison (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes).

Elle Fanning to Star in New Predator Film Badlands with Prey 2 in Development

After Shane Black’s disastrous The Predator (2018), 10 Cloverfield Lane’s Trachtenberg stripped the franchise back to its 1987 basics and jump-started the 20th Century Studios’ sci-fi series with Prey, which was a huge hit for Hulu (and Disney+ where it streamed outside of the U.S.), with critics agreeing.

No, what propelled me through ‘Super 8’ were the incredible performances from the kids. Elle Fanning, in particular, who plays Alice Dainard in the film, completely blew me away, acting on a level far beyond her years. There’s a naked emotion there, an unfeigned grace that’s so rare to see in actors…

Elle Fanning to Star in New Predator Film Badlands with Prey 2 in Development

I think a lot of people thought our movie would be some super-woke, F-the-patriarchy kind of a story, and that’s not what it’s about at all,” Midthunder said during an interview with People. It’s literally an individual who feels called to something and the people who know her don’t think that is her calling.

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