Cancelled Netflix Show Obliterated Becomes One of the Most-Watched Titles

In a surprising turn, the action-comedy series Obliterated, despite being cancelled after just one season, has emerged as one of Netflix’s most-watched titles. According to Netflix viewership data, Obliterated amassed an impressive 184 million viewing hours, outshining popular series like Sex Education and even heavyweights like Stranger Things.

Cancelled Netflix Show Obliterated Becomes One of the Most-Watched Titles

Unexpected High Viewership Despite Cancellation

The series, which was released on November 30, 2023, quickly climbed the ranks, spending six weeks in Netflix’s Top 10 for English-language series. It even peaked at number one during its second week on the platform. Such popularity makes the cancellation all the more perplexing. Reports suggest that high production costs were likely a significant factor in Netflix’s decision to not renew the series.

Expert Creators Behind the Series

Cancelled Netflix Show Obliterated Becomes One of the Most-Watched Titles

The creative team behind Obliterated includes Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald, who are well-known for their work on action-comedies. Their previous projects include the wildly successful Cobra Kai, as well as other noted titles like Harold & Kumar franchise and Hot Tub Time Machine.

The Plot and Audience Reception

Obliterated follows an elite special forces team tasked with thwarting a deadly threat to Las Vegas. However, things take a wild turn after their celebratory party filled with booze, drugs, and debauchery when they discover that the bomb they deactivated was a fake. Now intoxicated, the team must fight through their impairments to find the real bomb and save the world.

The show’s explicit content divided viewers. Some appreciated its boldness and chaotic humor, while others were less enthused by its over-the-top elements. This was highlighted by ‘Obliterated’ features a memorable sex scene with camel voyeur in episode 7.

Cancelled Netflix Show Obliterated Becomes One of the Most-Watched Titles

A Polarizing Hit

Obliterated‘s reception was mixed—critics gave it a 45% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, whereas audiences were much more favorable with a 74% score. The disparity between critics and audience scores highlights how the series resonated strongly with a particular segment of viewers who perhaps found its unrestrained style entertaining.

Cancelled Netflix Show Obliterated Becomes One of the Most-Watched Titles

A Success Story in Numbers

According to details from a Netflix report, Obliterated‘s engagement metrics eclipsed many other top-tier titles, marking it as a significant achievement even in its short run. Despite this success, it serves as an example of how high production costs can impact renewal decisions, highlighting an industry trend where financial considerations sometimes outweigh high viewer engagement.

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