Arcane Season 2 Poster Revealed Hinting at New Character Dynamics

After dropping a teaser for Arcane Season two early this year, Netflix has now released the official visual for the animated series.

Arcane Season 2 Poster Revealed Hinting at New Character Dynamics

The visual depicts Jinx hugging a seemingly frightened Vi, whom a spotlight is directed at as if shielding her from unknown terrifying forces. Accompanied by a short caption that read Nothing ever stays dead, this image poses as a parallel of a poster from season one, which featured much younger versions of the sisters with their roles reversed.

Arcane Season 2 Poster Revealed Hinting at New Character Dynamics

While no details regarding season two’s plot have been revealed, the visual offers a glimpse of the mood and overarching theme for the long-awaited sequel. Fan reactions to this new poster have been eager, as many were quick to notice the parallels.

Arcane Season 2 Poster Revealed Hinting at New Character Dynamics

The series is confirmed for a global release in November, a similar date range that was speculated by fans as it coincides with both anniversaries of season one as well as the 15th year of League of Legends. Just like the previous season, the second installment of Arcane will be exclusively available to stream via Netflix.

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