Alan Cumming Promotes Inclusivity in The Traitors Season 3

Alan Cumming Promotes Inclusivity in The Traitors Season 3

When the cast list for The Traitors season three was announced, it became instantly clear that this was a season not to be missed. Icons like Chrishell Stause from Selling Sunset, Bob the Drag Queen, Gabby Windey, and Carolyn Wiger lead a diverse lineup that solidifies what Alan Cumming claims are efforts to increase representation.

Cumming shared in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that he had “lobbied quite hard” for more queer representation after Peppermint’s early exit last season, noting that it was not a “good look.” Highlighting the importance of diversity, this season promises a bigger LGBTQ+ footprint.

Peppermint Reflects on Her Experience

Alan Cumming Promotes Inclusivity in The Traitors Season 3

Peppermint felt betrayed and blindsided by her premature elimination from the castle. Discussing the event, she mentioned how fellow contestants turned a fun discussion into accusations of her being a traitor without any substantive proof. In Peppermint’s words, I felt like I was betrayed. For her to turn a really innocent, fun moment talking about fashion into this devious revelation that I’m some traitor was really strange to me.

Reality Show Dynamics

Peppermint wasn’t alone in navigating tricky social landscapes within the show. Hints of feuds and strategic manipulations add layers of intrigue. An additional noteworthy moment from Peppermint elucidates these internal dynamics: There wasn’t a feud with us in that house. She ignited something that could be perceived as a feud after having left the castle.

Cast Bonding at Its Best

The season boasts an impressive gathering: Chrishell Stause, Bob the Drag Queen, and others, who bring their own charm and drama to the show. This deliberate assemblage aims for not just good TV but also fitting representation.

Alan Cumming’s Advocacy

Cumming’s dedication toward inclusivity shines brightly throughout these casting decisions. Speaking on broader representation issues in media, Cumming affirmed his stance in the Entertainment Weekly interview: We need to make sure there’s more queer and trans people on the show.

This year is bound to offer intriguing dynamics stemming from this diverse collection of competitors.

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