7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

Peering into the world of Better Call Saul, we’ve witnessed the transformation of Jimmy McGill into the notorious Saul Goodman. This journey, intricately tied to the Breaking Bad universe, is rich with character development and storytelling excellence. In this article, we’ll rank all seven seasons from their humble beginnings to their explosive conclusions, evaluating them on critical acclaim, fan reception, and overall impact on the series. So, let’s dive into the evolution of this captivating show.

7. Better Call Saul Season 1

The inaugural season of Better Call Saul introduces us to a different side of the legal world through Jimmy McGill’s eyes. We see him as a cheerful mailroom employee at HHM, where his charm and likability are evident. Are you proud of me?, he asks, seeking validation in his new role as a lawyer after passing the New Mexico bar exam. His unconventional path to law, from community college to the University of American Samoa’s distance learning program, shows his tenacity but also sets up a slower narrative pace compared to later seasons. It’s this introductory nature that positions Season 1 closer to ‘meh’ in our rankings as it lays the groundwork for more complex story arcs ahead.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

6. Better Call Saul Season 2

Season 2 delves deeper into Jimmy’s character and his relationship with his brother Chuck. A pivotal moment is Chuck’s manipulation of Jimmy, leading to a confession about tampering with legal documents—a scene that encapsulates the season’s psychological intensity. The finale’s death of a truck driver at the hands of the cartel and Chuck’s resolve to say, Enough, underscore the darker themes emerging in Jimmy’s world. Though rich in character development and narrative layers, Season 2 lacks some of the dramatic highs found in subsequent seasons.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

5. Better Call Saul Season 3

The third season marks a significant turning point for the series with Lalo’s ambush on Jimmy, Kim, and Howard—a moment that elevates the show’s standing with its thrilling plot twists. The death of Chuck at season’s end is not only a major plot twist but also serves as a catalyst for Jimmy’s further descent into moral ambiguity. These pivotal moments and character arcs make Season 3 an essential chapter in Jimmy’s transformation.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

4. Better Call Saul Season 4

In its fourth season, Better Call Saul adopts a darker tone with storylines that grip viewers tighter than ever before. The episode ‘Bagman’ is highlighted as a game-changer and testament to the showrunners’ mastery. We witness Jimmy finally taking on the Saul Goodman persona after an emotional appeal that turns out to be insincere—a reflection of his complex character and moral dilemmas. This season solidifies the show’s excellence, placing it high on our list.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

3. Better Call Saul Season 5

The penultimate season brings an era to a close with intense drama and character transformations that are both tragic and compelling. As we anticipate what lies ahead for Jimmy and Kim, Season 5 stands out for its narrative depth and emotional resonance—qualities that make it one of television’s finest offerings that year.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

2. Better Call Saul Season 6

The sixth season sets up an explosive finale with ‘Point and Shoot’, described as brutal and emotionally devastating. This penultimate season sees Jimmy becoming nearly full-on Saul Goodman, intertwining his fate with characters like Mike Ehrmantraut and Gus Fring from Breaking Bad. Character reappearances from the iconic series heighten the stakes further, making this season second only to its successor in our rankings.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

1. Better Call Saul Season 7

Topping our list is the final season which delivers a masterful conclusion to both Better Call Saul and the larger Breaking Bad franchise. The finale episode ‘Saul Gone’ is hailed as a brilliant wrap-up praised for its character development and reconciliation of long-running storylines. With an estimated 1.80 million viewers tuning in for its first broadcast, this season cements its place at the pinnacle of television history.

7 Better Call Saul Seasons Ranked From Meh to Wow

In conclusion, Better Call Saul‘s seven seasons have taken us on an unforgettable journey through Jimmy McGill’s complex world. From ‘meh’ beginnings to a ‘wow’ finale, each chapter has contributed uniquely to building one of television’s most compelling narratives. The top-ranked seasons stand out not just for their storytelling but also for their profound emotional impact and lasting legacy in TV lore.

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