Burn Notice 4.03 “Seek and Destroy”
First off, thanks to the wonderful Gwennie for filling in for me last week. I love my students, but not their germs. Thanks, Gwennie! You did a fantastic job.
First off, thanks to the wonderful Gwennie for filling in for me last week. I love my students, but not their germs. Thanks, Gwennie! You did a fantastic job.
Howdy, corpse fans! Featherlight had to fly this week, so I'll be recapping this weeks' episode. There's no time travel, teenagers, or robots, but there's ang
When we saw in ‘Because You Left’that someone wanted blood samples to prove Kate’s relationship to Aaron, it raised a lot of speculation. Th
310-generalissimo-01Hi, it's MsGwenniePennie. Due to a long standing girl crush on Tina Fey (I have this ongoing fantasy where our kids are in a playgroup to
When I first got the offer to recap Friday Night Lights, about five scenes from this season instantly ran through my mind - scenes which were so well-done tha
The phone rings in Tracy’s house. It’s the Governor, calling to ask if she’s watching the interview on TV. She turns it on and it’s Na
Last week on 24: Dubaku blew up a couple planes. Tony killed Emerson. EVIL Sexy Secret Service Agent killed Samantha and nearly killed the First Dude as well,
For those of you out there who are the hardcore Whedonesque fans of the world, there’s no question what you’re going to be doing on Friday, Februa
Welcome back to the Fringe Recap! This week’s episode, entitled “The Transformationâ€, moved back into what I would consider to be the norm