Castle Season 5 Finale Review: Oh My God, Castle (Spoiler Alert)!
As a lot of you know, ABC released a screener of the finale to the press late Friday night. In our excitement, we didn’t realize there was a catch and w
As a lot of you know, ABC released a screener of the finale to the press late Friday night. In our excitement, we didn’t realize there was a catch and w
A while back I wrote a post about dislikable characters on TV, and it was a bit strange to see that nearly all of them were women. I didn’t do that on p
Power struggles dominate the office and Don tries to keep the fantasy alive on Mad Men.
Romance abounds again on Game of Thrones–well, romance and a little ménage à trois action during a reprieve from being tortured. That’s right, T
One Hamptonite died in tonight's season finale of Revenge and this death turned another character on to a dark path.
We were fortunate to take part in a roundtable interview with American Idol’s Angie Miller, whose elimination from the contest last night sent shock wav
Bonnie drops the veil and several familiar faces make a return to The Vampire Diaries; some seek vengeance and others are there to help.
The last five minutes of Scandal back-slapped the hell out of viewers as if it was a season finale. In other words, we are not ready for the season finale.
Love is in the air between Deacon and Rayna in this week's Nashville. Plus, CMA nominees are announced and Juliette hits rock bottom.